A Society Without Elites is a Socialist Society

A Society Without Elites is a Socialist Society 4

We are witnessing a surge of popular outrage and even revulsion against an onslaught of ideologically liberal changes affecting the lives of millions of Americans. This outrage is fueled, among other things, by the following: decisions of activist judges favoring homosexualist or private property-denying socialist agendas and showing complete disregard for public … Read more

America Says No to Mega Mosque

The Lessons of 9/11 1

Few Americans are unaware of the controversy over the proposed Ground Zero mosque in New York City. Thanks to the mainstream media, even fewer are aware of the protest against it on this year’s anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. TFP Student Action volunteers joined a huge rally one block from Ground … Read more

Same-sex “Marriage”: Who Sounded the Retreat?

Same-sex "Marriage": Who Sounded the Retreat? 1

In the history of war, we can observe many cases of battles where someone mistakenly sounds the retreat when victory was in sight. This seems to be the case against same-sex “marriage.” Traditional marriage has never been defeated. Thirty-one times it has been taken to the polls and thirty-one times it has … Read more

Protest You-Tube Host Desecration


Consider taking three minutes to sign a petition to the popular video sharing site YouTube in protest to a sacrilegious video in which a sacred Host is deliberately crushed, burnt and stomped on. Perhaps the worst is desecrating the Eucharist by smoking Jesus’ body. It is followed by this statement: “Eucharist desecration. … Read more

10 Razones para Rechazar el Socialismo

10 Reasons to Reject Socialism.jpg

  Diez Razones para Rechazar el Socialismo   Por qué debemos proteger la familia, la propiedad privada y América de los peligros del socialismo   *          *          *   1.  El socialismo y el comunismo son la misma ideología El comunismo no es sino una forma extrema del socialismo. Desde el punto de vista ideológico, … Read more

The Ground Zero Mosque and the Clash of Symbols

The Ground Zero Mosque and the Clash of Symbols 2

If on December 7, 1944, three years after “a date which will live in infamy,” local government officials in Hawaii had allowed a group of Japanese to erect a Shinto shrine at Pearl Harbor, how would Americans nationwide have reacted? Yet are we not seeing in Lower Manhattan an analogous situation, with … Read more

10 Reasons to Reject Socialism

The American TFP 10 Reasons Why Homosexual Marriage is Harmful - Free online version

    10 Reasons to Reject Socialism   Why we must protect the family, private property and America from the dangers of socialism   *          *          *   1.  Socialism and communism are the same ideology Communism is but an extreme form of socialism. From the ideological standpoint, there is no substantial difference between the … Read more

“You Don’t Lose Until You Quit Trying”

"You Don't Lose Until You Quit Trying" 7

This is the story of Samuel L. Davis who earned the Medal of Honor for his actions during the Vietnam War. When his 42-man unit was attacked by a 1500 man Vietcong battalion, he refused to give up. After suffering a broken back and perforated kidney, he was not only able to … Read more