The Green Cult

The Green Cult

We have seen how true ecology preserves, enriches and perfects nature in order to derive a benefit. It stimulates the progress of races and cultures of animal or plant species. Whereas the “green” ecologists, on the contrary, campaign to restrict or even prohibit the legitimate use of God’s creation to feed mankind. The true ecologist really loves creation while the “green” ecologist hates it.

Well-Prepared Dishes, A Recipe for Charity

Well-Prepared Dishes, A Recipe for Charity Mini.jpg

Nowadays we so often hear: “Home Cooking?! How old-fashioned! Gone are the days sweating over the stove preparing nice dishes. Ready-made meals are a must! Time is precious.” There is a widespread notion that carefully prepared dishes with special recipes and ingredients are a waste of time. This idea harms everyone and … Read more

Long Live Latrophobia!

Long Live Latrophobia! 1

Every day we hear the word homophobia. In the news, school, the work place, with our friends: we cannot avoid it. Just what does this esoteric, talismanic word imply. We say imply because it has no clear definition and is hurled against anyone that has the courage to take a stand contrary … Read more

Protest “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal

Keep the 1993 Law Regarding Homosexuals in the Military in Place – Protest the Repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” We are facing a critical week and our military is in peril. In only a few days, members of Congress will decide whether or not to repeal the 1993 law regarding homosexuals … Read more

Jesuit University Deletes 2 Abortion Links


After weeks of peaceful protest, the Catholic University of Detroit Mercy has removed two links to abortion provider Planned Parenthood that were listed on its web site. “I’m very happy to verify that the links to Planned Parenthood were deleted,” said TFP Student Action director John Ritchie.  “Over 11,500 students, parents and … Read more

University Cancels Corpus Christi Blasphemy

University Cancels Corpus Christi Blasphemy

TFP Student Action is glad to announce that Tarleton State University finally pulled the plug on Corpus Christi. Thank God, our prayers were answered. The blasphemous play, which portrays Our Lord and the Apostles as homosexuals, was scheduled to perform on March 27.  However, the university issued a news release on March … Read more

They Said: Abort Children, but Spare Bin Laden


It takes a fair amount of courage to defend the truth on a decidedly liberal campus such as George Washington University. Nevertheless, TFP Student Action volunteers welcomed the challenge and visited the university on March 8. Their mission was simple: Defend innocent life and challenge abortion and its culture of death, which … Read more

Abortion Scandal at Catholic University UDM – Sign Protest

Abortion Scandal at Catholic University UDM – Sign Protest

""""[vc_column_text] Update, 04-17-10: The links to Planned Parenthood have been removed. However, links to pro-abortion group NOW remain and pro-abortion nun, Sister Margaret A. Farley is still listed as a board member of the University of Detroit Mercy. “The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members … Read more

Disband the Marine Corps

Disband the Marine Corps 4

It would be better to disband the Corps than see it dishonored and its virtues and values destroyed. A vandal once took a hammer to the Pietà. It was a shocking and unexpected event, but the fact that it happened suggests a perverse streak within our nature to desecrate that which others … Read more

A Specter is Haunting America — Socialism

A Specter is Haunting America — Socialism 1

“A specter is haunting Europe – the specter of communism.” This is the famous opening line of the Manifesto of the Communist Party written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels in 1848. This sentence could perhaps be paraphrased today: “A specter is haunting America – the specter of socialism.” Is Communism Dead? … Read more