Toys R Us Opens the Door to the Occult

Toys R Us Opens the Door to the Occult

Why is Toy R Us Selling Ouija Boards to Our Children and Teenagers? According to press reports and its own website, Toys R Us is selling a Glow-in-the-Dark Ouija Board, recommending it to children from age 8-14. Since the TFP protest against the product began, the company it has now up the … Read more

Avatar: Cameron’s Utopia

Avatar: Cameron’s Utopia

Canadian born James Cameron, has certainly outdone himself in his production of Avatar with all of its technical prowess. Cameron’s visual presentation largely compensates for his lack of unique content. His story line is nothing more than part and parcel of the incessant drumbeat we have come to expect from Hollywood: a … Read more

Innocence Saluting Heroism

Innocence Saluting Heroism 2

Innocence Saluting Heroism   Innocence Saluting Heroism A young boy waits on the sidewalk for the passing of Canadian troops. The video speaks for itself. In his innocence, he waits for more than just Canadian soldiers marching in formation with their flag. The young boy sees what all the other people passing … Read more

Defending a Higher Law Now Published in Estonia

Defending a Higher Law Now Published in Estonia

As part of its expanding effort to oppose same sex “marriage,” the TFP-inspired Fr. Peter Skarga Association for Christian Culture (Stowarzyszenie Kultury Chrzescijanskiej im. Ks. Piotra Skargi) has just published an Estonian edition of American TFPs hard-hitting book Defending A Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same-sex “Marriage” and the Homosexual Movement. … Read more

Paganism and Witchcraft in Youth Culture

Paganism and Witchcraft in Youth Culture 1

Mrs. Linda Harvey is the founder of Mission: America, a non-profit organization whose purpose is to help in dealing with cultural issues such as feminism, homosexuality, education and New Age influences. She is the author of Not My Child — Contemporary Paganism and New Spirituality and her articles have appeared in USA Today … Read more

The Cult of Ugliness in America

The Cult of Ugliness in America 2

The topic on which I have been asked to speak today is “The Cult of Ugliness in America.” I do not intend to speak of every possible example of ugliness in our society. That would be exhausting if not thoroughly discouraging. We already live cheek-by-jowl in an incredibly ugly culture; we cannot … Read more

Not Just a Piece of Cloth

Not Just a Piece of Cloth 2

On the Fourth of July, Americans will celebrate our independence and admire the marvelous fireworks. While they do so, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) will reflect on the issue of flag burning that occurred twenty years ago. At that time, the Supreme Court ruled, only … Read more