Plato at the Union

Plato at the Union 1

The mediocre man has some notions about many things. By this, I mean he has vague and fluctuating notions which demand no effort to acquire or preserve. Whenever he wants to express his notions, he thinks he attains utter fulfillment by finding a showy word, or at least one that is not … Read more

Video of TFP-ANF Members Protesting at Notre Dame

This is a short video of TFP–ANF’s protest out front of the gates of the University of Notre Dame. Thousands of pro-life Catholics lined the streets leading to the main gate of the university. Dotting the sidewalks for miles, they prayed the Rosary, held signs and protested the university’s scandalous decision to … Read more

“By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them”

“By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them” 1

Apostles of the Fatima message rarely see the fruits of their labor in this life. I found this out firsthand during a visit to Augusta, Georgia. During the coffee break following Mass, the parish priest asked us to say a word about our work. After explaining our home visits with the statue … Read more

No More “Queer Film Festivals” at Notre Dame

No More “Queer Film Festivals” at Notre Dame 1

Prayer and peaceful protest have once again proven to be successful. According to an article in The Observer dated February 16, by pro-homosexual activist Tom O’Neil, “not only will there be no gay film festival this year [at the University of Notre Dame], it’s probably kaput for good.” Starting in 2004, homosexual … Read more

The Afflictions of the Third Family

The Afflictions of the Third Family 2

We live in complete chaos. “What a banal way to start an article!” some might think upon reading this opening sentence. In fact, it is banal, most banal. And I present this idea, in itself so banal, even trite, in its most elementary form to emphasize, even to the extreme, just how … Read more

True Valor is Priceless

True Valor is Priceless 1

When Michael Monsoor jumped on a grenade to save the lives of three Navy Seals in September of 2006, the nation was left speechless. The Medal of Honor was presented to his grieving parents, during a White House reception, as a mournful audience looked on. There was a man in the room … Read more