United in Hatred

Smashed State Sanctioned Terrorism

On November 16-18, TFP Web Designer Gregory Escaro, and I made a trip to Columbus, Ga., to investigate an annual protest to shut down Fort Benning’s Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHINSEC), formerly called the School of the Americas. A leftist group called School of Americas Watch (SOAW) leads the event, … Read more

Back to Merry Christmas

Back to Merry Christmas

It’s official. After six years of what has been called a “war on Christmas,” Merry Christmas is coming back. Much of corporate America has conceded defeat on the issue. What most people do not realize is that a conservative cultural victory slipped quietly under the radar and the rumblings of that battle … Read more

The Educational Importance of Manners

The Educational Importance of Manners

At first glance it might seem rather forced to make a connection between education and manners. In our secular society, manners like morals seem to be optional in the formation of youth. It is something relegated to parents to teach children at the dinner table if and when they eat together. Manners … Read more

The Rising Influence of Intelligent Design

The Rising Influence of Intelligent Design 1

The ongoing assault on the supernatural order that generates our love of God is reaching a critical stage. The revival of Gnosticism, the stubbornness of socialistic-communistic thinking, and immoral, destructive behavior are reaching their apex of driving God from our consciousness as an object of worship and a guide to correct our … Read more

Tillman’s Tower

Tillman's Tower

In the center of West Point’s historic campus in upstate New York stands a statue of Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Below him is a plaque bearing the words of wisdom he once spoke. “On the fields of friendly strife are sewn the seeds that upon other fields, on other days, shall bear the fruits … Read more

The Santa Fe Chill

The Santa Fe Chill

Contrary to what many artists claim, protesting against offensive art is never free publicity. Few things hurt the arts community more than when it produces works that lose touch with its supporting community. This is especially evident in the wave of artworks which many consider blasphemous. Nothing attacks the sensibilities of a … Read more

Wise Interpenetration of Values

Wise Interpenetration of Values 2

Our picture shows the four sons of the Maharaja of Kaourthala at the beginning of the century. The group makes an agreeable impression as there is something quintessentially noble, gracious and refined in the bearing, countenances and attire of these small princes. They are true princes, quite authentically Indian. Nonetheless, without detracting … Read more

Floored or Back to the Future?

Floored or Back to the Future? 1

On more than one occasion, when visiting friends – or even some people I don’t know all that well – I have been offered the “comforts” of the floor rather than those of a couch or even a simple straight-backed chair. With somewhat exaggerated smiles, my hosts gesture to the floor while … Read more

The Devil’s False Promise of Happiness

This scene is from the island of Ischia, in Italy, after a storm. Nature has recovered her cheerful appearance and an elderly peasant woman accompanied by her children – perhaps her grandchildren – walks up a hillside. The road is not made of asphalt, nor is it lined with movie theaters, cafes, … Read more

Theatrics, the Romantic and the Hideous in the Teaching of the Catechism

Theatrics, the Romantic and the Hideous in the Teaching of the Catechism 3

The three catechist’s illustrations that follow are not meant to confuse our children. They represent three stages of catechist’s drawings, where each increasingly distort that which grew out of the previous stage. These are but examples of modern twentieth century art and graphically shows what influences art throughout history. The sentimentality of … Read more