Dignity and Distinction for Both Great and Small

Dignity and Distinction for Both Great and Small 1

Sir Winston Churchill – born of an American mother and an English father – reached the apex of human greatness in his country, and attained it deservedly by his exceptional talents, the unusual scope of his personality, and the merit of the many services he rendered his country during the course of … Read more

Was Youth Made for Pleasure or Heroism?

Was Youth Made for Pleasure or Heroism?

With the guitar hanging around his neck and the microphone in his hand, Elvis Presley is shown in the photo singing and dancing before a frenzied public. In man, the intelligence ought to direct the will, and both of them should in turn enlighten the sensibility, guiding it and supporting it to … Read more

Are Museums Sepulchers for Culture?

Are Museums Sepulchers for Culture? 1

Who has not felt the frustration that typically assails one after visiting a large museum? Wandering through the rooms and galleries where rare objects and masterpieces are exhibited, the soul expands and is enriched by the contemplation of a thousand marvels. Yet, at the same time, a sensation of emptiness, unnaturalness and … Read more

Hypocrisy, Cynicism and the Homosexual Ideology

Hypocrisy, Cynicism and the Homosexual Ideology 1

The scandal that resulted in Senator Larry Craig’s resignation announcement on September 2 proves how absurd it is to present homosexual vice as a normal and acceptable lifestyle. The Vice’s Tyrannical Stranglehold Taking the facts as they are reported by the media coupled by Senator Craig’s guilty plea, the assessment of the … Read more

TFP Call to Chivalry Camp: Where Boys Become Catholic Gentlemen

TFP Call to Chivalry Camp: Where Boys Become Catholic Gentlemen 5

In Kenelm Henry Digby’s book, The Broad-Stone of Honor, the following definition of chivalry is offered: “Chivalry is only a name for that general spirit or state of mind which disposes men to heroic actions, and keeps them conversant with all that is beautiful and sublime in the intellectual and moral world.” … Read more

Save the Knights

Save the Knights 2

At the Knights of Columbus 125th annual convention just held in Nashville, Tenn., the Order made the praiseworthy resolution to ban all pro-abortion politicians from attending or speaking at their events. It further passed motions that reiterated its support for traditional marriage, respect of conscience for medical personnel, and the protection of … Read more