In China: Economic Ties Open up, While Religious Persecution Clamps Down

In China: Economic Ties Open up, While Religious Persecution Clamps Down 2

Many consider that pumping money into China’s economy will automatically cause the downfall of Communism and restore freedom to the troubled nation. However, in spite of a continual increase in trade and economic ties, human rights violations and religious persecutions continue to plague innocent Chinese throughout the country. A recent case demonstrates … Read more

Beyond Pro-life, Fighting the Whole Cultural War

Beyond Pro-life, Fighting the Whole Cultural War

In the Cultural War, the fight over abortion is one of the fronts where the battle rages most fiercely. It is no surprise that many rally with great fervor to this cause that transcends borders in our increasingly borderless world. Thus, there are many reasons to be enthusiastic supporters of this noble … Read more

Going Beyond Pro-Life

Going Beyond Pro-Life 1

“The pro-life movement has an amazing capacity to unite, impassion and win. However if we are to win the whole Cultural War, we must go beyond pro-life.” This was one of the conclusions of the meeting held at the TFP Washington Bureau on Tuesday, January 23. Well over one hundred TFP members, … Read more

Fighting Back at Halloween

Fighting Back at Halloween 2

It only takes a few determined people to make a difference. Concerned TFP supporters were both shocked and disgusted to hear of an obscene priest costume available at the store in the local mall where children of all ages pick out their Halloween costumes. They decided to do something about it. At … Read more

Students Discuss Challenges in a Dechristianized World

Students Discuss Challenges in a Dechristianized World 1

At the end of the final banquet, the full impact of a week in Europe could be felt. With candles burning low, many gradually filtered out of the majestic ballroom at Lowenstein Castle while others engaged in conversation late into the night exchanging so many impressions. Indeed participants in the TFP’s 2006 … Read more

Are Protests Against Blasphemy Effective? The Other Side Speaks

How to Stop Blasphemy – From the Mouths of Those who Promote It 2

“Accept that you are not going to win. There is no win in such a controversy. You’re just going to survive. Those are the facts. It’s not pretty, but those are the facts.” Such was the counsel of journalist Hollis Walker to museum directors and curators regarding protests against blasphemous art. Her … Read more

Shameful Queer Studies at DePaul, Catholics Protest

Shameful Queer Studies at DePaul, Catholics Protest 2

DePaul University is apparently the first Catholic university to formally establish an undergraduate minor program in homosexuality. The new program began in January, sparking controversy and concern over the state of moral decay within higher learning. “I must say the program is shameful, especially for a university that advertises itself as Catholic. … Read more