A Hero Hollywood Will Never Mention

A Case for Moral Courage: How Colonel John Ripley Exemplified the Trait – and What We Can All Learn from Him

Mediocrity and egoism are engrained in the modern world. Heroism, self-sacrifice, and honor are often unwelcome and seldom given the admiration they deserve. After all, we are taught that comfort, security, and personal advancement come first. How many men are willing to go beyond the call of duty for an ideal greater … Read more

Why We Must Defend Old Glory

Why We Must Defend Old Glory 2

Throughout our history, our flag has always played a key role. Our fondness for this national symbol cannot be dismissed as mere sentimental attachment. Rather, the flag somehow calls upon us to look beyond our individual concerns and grasp the reality of the invisible bonds that link us together as a people. … Read more

TFP Protests the Retroactive Lifting of Statutes of Limitation

TFP Protests the Retroactive Lifting of Statutes of Limitation 1

While many states extended their criminal and civil statutes of limitations for child sexual abuse during these four years of intensive media reporting on the scandals inside the Church, some states are looking at lifting them retroactively. Such measures would allow government to investigate decades-old cases and hold today’s 67 million Catholics … Read more

Defending a Higher Law Now Available Online

Defending a Higher Law Now Available Online

The American TFP’s hard-hitting book, Defending a Higher Law, is now available online in pdf format. The work outlines the dangers that the homosexual agenda poses to society, refutes common myths concerning homosexuality and clearly outlines Church teaching on the sin of sodomy.

The Universe Is “Too Fine-Tuned for Chance”

The Universe Is “Too Fine-Tuned for Chance” 2

An Interview with Mr. John Calvert on Intelligent Design Francis Slobodnik of Crusade Magazine interviewed John H. Calvert, a lawyer and a managing director of Intelligent Design Network, Inc. Mr. Calvert has focused on constitutional requirements for teaching origins science in public schools, has been actively involved in the debate across the … Read more


Heroism 1

American soldiers face the prospect of serious injury and death with unflinching courage. Their existence within a nation dominated by a self centered “me culture” is yet another paradox which can be found “only in America.” When Todd Beamer boarded Flight 93 on September 11, he never dreamed that terrorists intended to … Read more

Building Foundations in Education

Talking About History in Topeka

Education without principles is like a building without foundations. It is precisely to discuss a concern for these principles that students, teachers, scholars, officials and concerned citizens gathered for the Tenth Annual Foundations of Education Symposium at Topeka’s Washburn University on November 4. The one-day event was organized by the school’s Prof. … Read more

When Society is Corrupt, Is There a Solution?

When Society is Corrupt, Is There a Solution? 2

A while back, the Italian Parliament voted to overturn prison sentences for politicians convicted of receiving illegal campaign contributions in light of unprecedented scandals. The legislation established that illegal contributions to political campaigns were no longer crimes but simply “civil offenses,” where those convicted would no longer be arrested but fined. All … Read more

Echoes of Catholic Militancy

2005 TFP National Conference

A recent book titled, No More Christian Nice Guy, outlines a prevalent error in society. The book’s author, Paul Coughlin, explains that Christianity has been divorced of masculinity to such an extent that many Christian men feel stifled and even suffocated when trying to practice the Faith. However, this emasculated Christianity is … Read more

A Call to Reject The Da Vinci Code

A Call to Reject The Da Vinci Code 2

Few things merit more rejection than affirming that which is not true. Such an act offends the object of the attack and betrays the trust of those who hear it. The gravity of the offense is magnified when the object is Christ and His Church and the audience is the readership of … Read more