The West at War

The West at War

Allahu Akbar!—“Allah is great!” This cry has resounded all over the world through the videos that documented the violence of Islamic militants against women, children and young people of all nationalities, massacred or kidnapped on October 7, 2023, while an avalanche of rockets beat down on Israel. The same invocation—Allahu Akbar!—rang out … Read more

When There Is No Plan A, the Nation Perishes

When There Is No Plan A, the Nation Perishes

Elections are upon us. Once again, we have few good choices, and many will be voting against and not for candidates. The ordeal threatens to become a replay of elections that have come before. The slate of candidates thus far is demoralizing since it represents nothing uplifting. No new generation of brave … Read more

Is Fetterman Fashion Proper in Church?

Is Fetterman Fashion Proper in Church?

Sen. John Fetterman ignited a firestorm over what is proper to wear in the United States Senate when he appeared in a hoodie and basketball shorts. Even the most casual American observers were struck by the inappropriateness of it all. Senate majority leader Chuck Schumer supported his colleague by instructing the chamber’s … Read more

The Red Chinese Are Turning America’s Best Schools Into Little Red Classrooms

The Red Chinese Are Turning America’s Best Schools Into Little Red Classrooms

Most educated Americans would be happy to hear that their local schools offer students a chance to learn Mandarin Chinese. Given China’s growing importance, many opportunities in business, academia and diplomacy are open to those with such skills. Expensive Classes However, offering foreign languages (or “world languages,” to use the preferred academic … Read more

Things Are So Bad in Cuba that It Must Even Import Sugar to Survive

Things Are So Bad in Cuba that It Must Even Import Sugar to Survive

When the Soviet Union dissolved the day after Christmas 1991, it inaugurated a season of celebration in Miami’s many Cuban neighborhoods. Long-time exiles pulled yellowing deeds and other legal documents out of bank safety deposit boxes, preparing to return to Cuba and reclaim land, homes and businesses confiscated by Castro’s socialist experiment. … Read more

Why Johnny Can’t Play Tag

Why Johnny Can’t Play Tag

When little Johnny goes to school this fall, he may face another danger. The poor boy already has trouble reading and writing. He suffers from losing social skills and faces an assault upon his innocence through the destructive influence of horrible books and drag queens. It is increasingly common that the boy … Read more