Finding Light in a Walmart

Finding Light in a Walmart

There is a lot of talk in the news these days about mental health and with good reason. In 2004, a Gallup poll recorded that 13 percent of adults had visited a therapist or mental health professional. In 2022, that number mushroomed to 23 percent. Many say the increased demand for services … Read more

Richard Dawkins Follows the Science and Rejects the Transgender Illusion

Richard Dawkins Follows the Science and Rejects the Transgender Illusion

“An atheist is an egalitarian who, to avoid the absurdity of affirming that Man is God, commits the absurdity of declaring that God does not exist.” This description, provided by Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira in his Revolution and Counter-Revolution, aptly applies to the famous biologist Richard Dawkins. Dr. Dawkins is a self-described … Read more

“Radical Inclusion”: The Key to Understanding the Coming Synod

“Radical Inclusion”: The Key to Understanding the Coming Synod

Pope Francis has convoked a “Synod on Synodality,” which will convene in Rome this coming October. Many faithful Catholics have expressed concern over the coming synod, as its promoters have proposed severe and potentially destructive changes to the Church’s structure. Synod leaders have repeatedly expressed their desire to discuss “inclusion.” The following … Read more

Support Good Actions Whenever Possible

Support Good Actions Whenever Possible

Today, many opportunities exist to oppose evils in the public square. Whether it be Drag Queen Story hours or the anti-abortion fight, the Culture War is heating up so that the battle seems to be everywhere. The America Needs Fatima campaign (ANF) is often involved in these efforts, which can seem overwhelming. … Read more

Rome: The TFP Publishes an Essential Book on the Synod

Rome: The TFP Publishes an Essential Book on the Synod

Press release August 22, 2023 Given the Synod on Synodality convened by Pope Francis, the Associazione Tradizione Famiglia Proprietà* has published a book denouncing the imminent danger of building a new Church, different from the Catholic Church as it has always existed. After a three-year phase of preparation, the XVI General Assembly … Read more

The Rejection and Restoration of Beauty

The Rejection and Restoration of Beauty

The world around us is filled with ugliness. To fight this ugliness, we must address the willfully chosen things and change our ways accordingly. One important way to do this is to change our manner of personal appearance. Everywhere, we see signs of disorder in this field. Individuals exhibit multiple and painful-looking … Read more