Portland Becomes a Citizen’s Hell and an Addict’s Paradise

Portland Becomes a Citizen’s Hell and an Addict’s Paradise

In November of 2020, Oregon voters passed Measure 110, an experiment that liberals hoped would stem the drug addictions and overdoses ravaging the state, especially the city of Portland. Approved by nearly 60 percent of the voters, the measure reduced the punishment for possessing hard drugs, including fentanyl and methamphetamine, to a … Read more

The Miracle on Maui: Is God Sending Us a Message?

The Miracle on Maui: Is God Sending Us a Message?

It frequently happens that survivors of natural disasters will come upon touching scenes of religious objects that are unscathed amid the destruction. For example, a statue of Our Lady of Grace was found intact after Hurricane Sandy in 2012. It communicated a sense of hope to all who saw it. The media … Read more

Introducing the Destruction of Nature

Introducing the Destruction of Nature

“The destruction of words is a very beautiful thing!” exclaimed Syme, a character in George Orwell’s famous novel 1984. Syme promoted Newspeak, the new language forged by the totalitarian state to manipulate the citizens’ minds. The Deconstruction of Language Each social revolution has manipulated language to blur reality, tailoring it to its … Read more

Vice President Kamala Harris and the Leftist News Media Conspire to Expel Hope From Florida’s Schools

Vice President Kamala Harris and the Leftist News Media Conspire to Expel Hope From Florida’s Schools

Like most curricula, Florida’s State Academic Standards—Social Studies, 2023 makes for rather dull reading. Fundamentally, it is a list of topics that teachers must cover. It has eleven “strands,” of which African American History is one. Recently, Florida’s curriculum for teaching African American History became a huge controversy that distorts the text … Read more

Where Are Wokeism and Cancel Culture Taking Us?

Where Are Wokeism and Cancel Culture Taking Us?

Since the days of the French Revolution, the left has sought the destruction of historical memory as part of its war unleashed against Christian civilization. Suffice it to recall the devastation of churches and monuments in France between 1789 and 1795. The desecration of the Basilica of Saint-Denis was much more expressive, … Read more

Saint Michael Caravan Arrives at Lone Star State Capital, Austin

Saint Michael Caravan Arrives at Lone Star State Capital, Austin

As the Saint Michael the Archangel Caravan against socialism continues, volunteers from Tradition, Family, Property—Louisiana traveled to the capital of the Lone Star State, Austin. The young caravan members held several campaigns, all receiving lots of support and a corresponding backlash. Downtown Austin The caravan first held several campaigns in downtown Austin. … Read more

TFP Message Finds Friendly Welcome in the Lone Star State

TFP Message Find Friendly Welcome in the Lone Star State

Since July 24, young volunteers with Tradition, Family and Property–Louisiana have been alerting the American public to the dangers of socialism in the public square. After spending a week campaigning in Louisiana, this caravan of young volunteers made their way to the Lone Star State. Texas is being flooded by Americans fleeing … Read more

What If the Hollywood Strike Never Ends?

What If the Hollywood Strike Never Ends?

The Hollywood actors’ union has now united with the writer’s union to strike against the big film producers. The negotiations between the players are deadlocked. Like a Hollywood movie, the story has all the potential for a classical film that might be billed as the labor action of the century. Each side … Read more