The Harpist in Orlando’s Airport…Only in America

The Harpist in Orlando’s Airport…Only in America

Few places are more frenzied than modern airports. The nervousness of air travel has only been compounded in our post 9-11 world. There is the agitation of the pre-check, x-rays and the dread of being frisked or having a TSA agent rummage through your carry-on. Florida is no exception, which made a … Read more

Pushing Back Against Satan at a Virginia School

Pushing Back Against Satan at a Virginia School

A battle between God and Satan rages at a primary school in Chesapeake, Virginia. Here Is What Happened Late last year, The Satanic Temple (TST) applied to start an After-School Satan Club at B.M. Williams Primary School. Fearing a reaction, TST made the request discretely, hoping it would pass under the radar … Read more

On the Road to Mecosta

On the Road to Mecosta

The course of rivers is often marked by rapids, which reflect excitement, dynamism and raw power. While rapids can be exhilarating, there is also a place for river pools and backwaters, which, unlike swamps, collect and tame the wild currents and then send the waters forward again. We experience both conditions as … Read more

Google It! Google Cancels a Drag Show

Google It! Google Cancels a Drag Show

Looking at the headline, it seemed too good to be true. Perhaps it was clickbait especially driven by algorithms to appeal to a conservative Christian demographic. The headline said Google canceled a drag queen show for its employees. It could not possibly be true since the search engine giant is one of … Read more

Immorality Harms Everyone, Not Just Children

Immorality Harms Everyone, Not Just Children

One of the most powerful arguments against the LGBTQ+ agenda is its corruption of young children. People, especially parents, rightly object to their young children being exposed to highly sexualized Drag Queen Story Hours. Others call out city and school governing bodies for the pornographic library books polluting the innocent minds of … Read more

What Comes After Dobbs? A Natural Law Moment

What Comes After Dobbs? A Natural Law Moment

It has been a year since the celebrated Dobbs decision overturning the infamous Roe v. Wade ruling that found a legal “right” to procured abortion in the U.S. Constitution. Many are now asking what comes after Dobbs as the abortion issue weaves its way through the states. Some conservative states are all … Read more

Why ‘Return to Order’ Is More Timely Than Ever

Why ‘Return to Order’ Is More Timely Than Ever

In the aftermath of the COVID crisis, massive civil unrest and economic disruption, Americans are looking for guidance. They want to know how to navigate these uncertain waters. The solution must go beyond securing material prosperity. It must involve turning to a moral compass to return America to order. To address this … Read more