Three Reasons to Doubt the Extreme Weather Alarmists

Three Reasons to Doubt the Extreme Weather Alarmists

A recent article in the Washington Post began with a frightening sentence. “Extreme Heat kills more people in the United States than any other weather hazard.” A few minutes of Internet searching found virtually the same sentence on NBC News, which attributed it to the National Weather Service. CNN said the same … Read more

Why We Protested Against a Blasphemous and R-Rated “Circus”

Why We Protested Against a Blasphemous and R-Rated “Circus”

America Needs Fatima supporters recently held a rally of reparation and protest in Topeka, Kansas. The target was a strange traveling event called “Paranormal Cirque.” Local news stations favorably covered the July 7-9 event like a normal circus. The local activists soon discovered there was nothing normal about this “paranormal circus.” The … Read more

Manhood: A Catholic Look at a Much-Needed Commentary

Manhood: A Catholic Look at a Much-Needed Commentary

Plenty of men live their lives avoiding responsibility, work and effort. Many have no idea of the purpose of their lives and where they want to go. Others recoil before a culture that interprets any movement to male character development or leadership as hateful and oppressive. All these masculine figures are missing … Read more

Powerful Public Stand in June Against the Sin of Homosexual Pride

Powerful Public Stand in June Against the Sin of Homosexual Pride

Americans are increasingly offended when the homosexual agenda is imposed on them. For example, thousands protested against the Los Angeles Dodgers for honoring an anti-Catholic LGBTQ activist group called the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. America Needs Fatima supporters and friends also raised funds to put up billboards nationwide to remind passersby that … Read more

Little Lithuania Defies Giants Russia and China

Little Lithuania Defies Giants Russia and China

In a world where courage is in short supply, Lithuania stands out. The tiny Baltic country of 2.8 million people bordering Russia is standing up to both its big neighbor and Communist China with surprising results. It is determined not to be occupied again despite great challenges. To this effect, Lithuania has … Read more

The Harpist in Orlando’s Airport…Only in America

The Harpist in Orlando’s Airport…Only in America

Few places are more frenzied than modern airports. The nervousness of air travel has only been compounded in our post 9-11 world. There is the agitation of the pre-check, x-rays and the dread of being frisked or having a TSA agent rummage through your carry-on. Florida is no exception, which made a … Read more

Pushing Back Against Satan at a Virginia School

Pushing Back Against Satan at a Virginia School

A battle between God and Satan rages at a primary school in Chesapeake, Virginia. Here Is What Happened Late last year, The Satanic Temple (TST) applied to start an After-School Satan Club at B.M. Williams Primary School. Fearing a reaction, TST made the request discretely, hoping it would pass under the radar … Read more

On the Road to Mecosta

On the Road to Mecosta

The course of rivers is often marked by rapids, which reflect excitement, dynamism and raw power. While rapids can be exhilarating, there is also a place for river pools and backwaters, which, unlike swamps, collect and tame the wild currents and then send the waters forward again. We experience both conditions as … Read more