Unreliable Wind and Solar Energy Will Not Save the World

Unreliable Wind and Solar Energy Will Not Save the World

About twenty years ago, a neighbor related a story from his youth on a farm in Missouri during the early thirties. The family’s only source of electricity was a windmill that recharged a battery. When the wind blew steadily through the day, the battery got enough power for three hours of radio … Read more

The Pro-Family Victory that Turned the Netherlands Upside Down

The Pro-Family Victory that Turned the Netherlands Upside Down

Few people in the West would consider the Netherlands to be a country receptive to a pro-family message. Fewer still would imagine that any pro-family organization could exist there, much less one that achieves victories. The Netherlands’ reputation in popular culture is that of a European Las Vegas drawing millions of visitors … Read more

Is Mandatory Mass Suicide for the Elderly the Future?

Is Mandatory Mass Suicide for the Elderly the Future?

As individuals and nations rapidly advance along a path completely divorced from reality, how human life is understood and valued is becoming increasingly apparent as calls emerge to murder those who are deemed a hindrance. This has been evidenced for decades now by the practice of abortion. Country after country has fallen … Read more

When True Elites Take Charge, Problems Get Resolved

When True Elites Take Charge, Problems Get Resolved

People love to attack every type of false elite. Whether it be power, Hollywood, beltway and coastal elites, they all inhabit different swamps and use their influence to gain control. The populists point to these elites as the cause of many problems afflicting the nation. Throw them out! they cry, pitchforks in … Read more

TFP and German Catholics Resist the Heretical “German Synodal Path”

TFP and German Catholics Resist the Heretical “German Synodal Path”

Faithful Catholics around the world were shocked by the announcement that the German bishops will create a “blessing” ceremony for homosexual “couples” and open the path for female “deacons.” Such decisions were made through what is called the German Synodal Path. Ever since it began in December 2019, the German Synodal Path … Read more