When Windmills Aren’t Green Enough

When Windmills Aren’t Green Enough

When the Norwegian government facilitated the building of two wind farms in central Norway, officials congratulated themselves for both being green and producing energy. The wind turbines would replace carbon-heavy electric generating plants and stimulate economic growth in the region. The project was a win-win green new deal for everyone. However, officials … Read more

Three Reasons Why a “National Divorce” Will Shatter America

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene is calling for a “national divorce” between red and blue states in thrice-repeated statements. Her appeal for an “amicable separation” has provoked much discussion about the sorry state of the national union. It sounds very simple. There truly are irreconcilable differences between liberals and conservatives on issues like … Read more

A University of Richmond Donor Asks “Woke” President to Return $3.6 Billion

A University of Richmond Donor Asks “Woke” President to Return $3.6 Billion

The “woke” movement often specializes in rewriting history. Its followers cast themselves as the long-suffering victims of “structural racism” that are often the figments of their overheated imaginations. They commonly forget that their campaigns usually begin in universities. Usually, those universities were founded and paid for by people that the “wokesters” despise. … Read more



This year marks the 80th anniversary of the publication of the book, In Defense of Catholic Action, by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. This book denounced the germs of progressivism inside the Church in Brazil with remarkable prophetic insights. To commemorate this book, the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family … Read more

Why are Modern Video Games Including “Transgender” Characters?

Why are Modern Video Games Including “Transgender” Characters?

In a world where both the Disney Company and the nation’s elementary schools openly discuss “gender orientation,” it had to happen. A popular video game has added “transgender” characters to its available options. Video games succeed by capturing the interests of players. That is not automatically harmful. However, discovering one’s interest in … Read more

Cuban Communism and LGBT “Rights” Have the Same Deep Roots

Cuban Communism and LGBT “Rights” Have the Same Deep Roots

Invited by the political left and LGBT associations, Mariela Castro Espín arrived in Italy for a speaking tour that started in Milan and Genoa and continued to other major cities. Castro Espín spoke about human rights in Cuba. Her presence among us raised a wave of criticism, even in Rome’s Montecitorio Palace, … Read more