Beating a Dead Horse: The L.A. Religious Education Congress Needs to Stop Pushing Progressivism and Give Tradition a Chance

Beating a Dead Horse: The Los Angeles Religious Education Congress Pushes the Same Progressive Agenda that Has Devastated the Church for over Sixty Years

On February 24-26, 2023, the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress (REC) will meet in person for the first time since the implementation of Covid restrictions in 2020. The REC has long been popularized as the largest gathering of Catholics in the country. Organizers claim past events have been attended by upwards of … Read more

Trying to Explain Alexander Dugin

Trying to Explain Alexander Dugin

For a long time, I have tried to read the work of Alexander Dugin, the guru philosopher of Vladimir Putin. Many acclaim his criticism of the modern liberal world and applaud his proposed solutions. They say he is the key to understanding Russia today. However, my efforts were not successful. Instead of … Read more

The Revolt Against Humanity Describes a Future Without God

The Revolt Against Humanity Describes a Future Without God

The book, The Revolt Against Humanity: Imagining a Future Without Us, does not make a very good first impression. One reason is that the 2023 work is an awfully small book to deal with such a monumental subject as human extinction. The elimination of humanity should merit something more than a mere … Read more

“Woke” is Broke: We Need to Press the Attack!

“Woke” is Broke: We Need to Press the Attack!

Throughout history, revolutionaries have employed the power of words and phrases. The Protestant Revolt invoked catchphrases such as “faith alone” and “sola scriptura” to undermine papal supremacy. The French Revolution made use of a talismanic trilogy: “liberty, equality and fraternity.” Furthermore, the Catholic left used the word “dialogue” to facilitate a reconciliation … Read more

Why Making Fast Food Faster is a Big Mistake

Why Making Fast Food Faster is a Big Mistake

Just when it seemed things were returning to normal, some habits changed for the worse. The instability of COVID times took countless people out of contact with the outside world. Things became more informal, faster and less social. One area of change was the fast-food franchises. People embraced no-touch food service during … Read more

The Myths, the Legends, and the Whole Truth about TFP Caravans

The Myths, the Legends, and the Whole Truth about TFP Caravans

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) employs many different ways of reaching out to the public. Some are common like online videos, web sites, e-mails, newsletters, mass mailings, talks, and street campaigns. There is an outreach that is unique to the TFP: the TFP caravans. A … Read more

First-World Countries Are Becoming Narco-States

First-World Countries Are Becoming Narco-States

When we hear the term “narco-state,” certain countries usually come to mind—Mexico, Colombia, perhaps Italy and some African countries. In those places, the drug mafias rule with impunity, journalists and lawyers are assassinated and politicians receive death threats. Not anymore. Thanks to globalization, government paralysis, a cultural acceptance of drug use and … Read more

Pope Francis Increases Confusion on the Homosexual Sin

Pope Francis Increases Confusion on the Homosexual Sin

Pope Francis has inaugurated a new kind of magisterium—media interviews. Amid relaxed conversations with journalists, he addresses complex doctrinal topics that require precision and clarity. “Talismanic Words” Journalists pick through his confusing expressions looking for soundbites to turn into headlines for their media outlets and then spread them worldwide. One could call … Read more