Moving Forward to the Next Phase in the Pro-Life Crusade

Moving Forward to the Next Phase in the Pro-Life Crusade

On this 50th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C., the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) celebrates the overturning of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision with all the pro-life multitudes nationwide. After so many years of marching, we have the joy of seeing the impossible … Read more

Associated Press Redefining Language in its Push for Abortion

Associated Press Redefining Language in its Push for Abortion

The assault on reason, which undergirds the pro-abortion movement, has taken yet another step toward the absurd. A popular terminology guide for journalists has been altered to promote the abortionists’ cause further. The Associated Press (AP) Stylebook issued new guidelines instructing journalists about how to write about abortion. The AP Stylebook is … Read more

Three Academic Skills that Children Must Have—And Schools Ignore

Three Academic Skills that Children Must Have—And Schools Ignore

Among the many causes of the failure of education in America today is the refusal to teach fundamental skills. Modern teaching methods especially target three essential skills—memorization, organization, and objectivity. Of course, these skills build upon the primary foundation of morality that no school can entirely provide. Without morality, education often makes … Read more

Why Do So Many Hate the March for Life?

Why Do So Many Hate the March for Life?

Despite the overturning of Roe v. Wade, the annual March for Life will take place on January 20 in Washington, D.C., on the 50th anniversary of the infamous 1973 Supreme Court decision. Many inveterate pro-lifers have trudged up to the Supreme Court for decades and feel that now is not the time to … Read more

The Phone Lady Teaches Young People How to Call Home and Beyond

The Phone Lady Teaches Young People How to Call Home and Beyond

  Smartphones supposedly made possible an age of unprecedented communication. Everyone, especially young people, uses these devices to contact anyone, anytime and anywhere. With the touch of a screen, a whole world of instant information and contacts is at one’s fingertips. Excellent relationships should be flourishing. However, many young people need help … Read more

Keeping Grandchildren Away from Grandparents

Keeping Grandchildren Away from Grandparents

Many aging and retired people express deep unhappiness in their relationships with children and grandchildren. Cries of Anguish The depth of that unhappiness was recently expressed in a pair of articles by the conservative pundit Dennis Prager. In the first, Mr. Prager describes a nightmare situation. “Parent after parent calls my radio … Read more

The 2022 Year in Review: A Civil War in the Catholic Church and a Shooting War in Europe Reveal an Unprecedented Ideological Confrontation

The 2022 Year in Review: A Civil War in the Catholic Church and a Shooting War in Europe Reveal an Unprecedented Ideological Confrontation

The Cold War earned its name because the superpowers, apart from a few proxy wars around the world, never began a direct conflict with each other. But at the time, the ideological confrontation between communism and anti-communism seemed certain to lead to war in Europe, as it did in Korea, Vietnam, and … Read more

Regimenting the Body and Destroying the Soul—the Ugly Legacy of Brutalism

Regimenting the Body and Destroying the Soul—the Ugly Legacy of Brutalism

Modernists like to manipulate words, often “spinning” them into meanings that appear simple but are relatively obscure. For example, consider the modern misuse of the terms like “accompaniment,” “social justice,” or even “woke.” Such is not the case with the architectural style known as “brutalism.” The Architecture of Despair Merriam-Webster defines brutal … Read more