Why Are Pro-Abortion Advocates Co-Natural with Satanism?

Why Are Pro-Abortion Advocates Co-Natural with Satanism?

Why do pro-aborts side with Satan? On October 26, 2022, fifteen young Catholic volunteers with TFP Student Action held a campaign at Kutztown University to defend the right to life. This campaign marked the third day of a weeklong pro-life tour dedicated to Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Pro-Aborts Have No Convincing … Read more

Pro-Life Smiles Cause Pro-Abortion Despair at Gettysburg College

Pro-Life Smiles Cause Pro-Abortion Despair at Gettysburg College

Why do pro-abortion advocates hate smiles? Because only the pro-life movement has life while the pro-aborts only have death. That is what volunteers of TFP Student Action discovered when they held a pro-life campaign at Gettysburg College. On October 25, 2022, fourteen members of TFP Student Action went to Gettysburg College on … Read more

Greta Thunberg Turns Left…and Red

Greta Thunberg Turns Left…and Red

When climate activist Greta Thunberg appeared on the scene some years ago, the media celebrated her as a child hero intent on saving the earth’s environment. She scolded world elites for depriving her of her childhood, an act that made her an overnight sensation. Time Magazine selected her as its Person of … Read more

Pope Francis’s Tacit Approval for Belgian Bishops’ Homo-Heresy

Pope Francis’s Tacit Approval for Belgian Bishops’ Homo-Heresy

On September 20, 2022, the Belgian-Flemish bishops’ released their “liturgy” for celebrating homosexual union ceremonies—a parody of real marriage. In a previous article, we wondered rhetorically whether Pope Francis would condemn the bishops’ homo-heresy. As pointed out in that article, blessing a homosexual “couple” in a marriage parody implicitly denies that the … Read more

Tradition: How It Keeps Us Alive and Well

Tradition: How It Keeps Us Alive and Well

There is no doubt that humanity has benefitted from many advances that modernity has brought to the world. However, along with these benefits, modernity has also caused suffering, destruction, and loss of lives. These negative factors are now reaching crisis proportions and polarizing the nation as we search for solutions. As a … Read more

The European Discovery and Settlement of the New World Is Based on the Right of Conquest

The European Discovery and Settlement of the New World Is Based on the Right of Conquest

Having met recently in Plenary Assembly, the Canadian Catholic Bishops pledged their commitment to: “Continue to dialogue with the Vatican on issues identified by Indigenous delegates and representatives this year. To that end, we have initiated conversations about the desire of many Indigenous Peoples to hear the Church address historical policies and principles … Read more