The Left’s New War on the Constitution Threatens the Nation

The Left’s New War on the Constitution Threatens the Nation

For decades, the American Constitution has been both an obstacle and an aid to those who promote the liberal agenda. True to its relativist ethos, today’s left has not particular attachment to the Constitution. When the document can be interpreted to the left’s advantage, its activists are enthusiastic defenders of constitutional rights. … Read more

“High Church Anglicanism” Became an Accidental Path to the One True Church and Ultramontanism

“High Church Anglicanism” Became an Accidental Path to the One True Church and Ultramontanism

The Oxford Movement began shortly after Catholic Lay Leader Daniel O’Connell compelled the English government to suppress some Anglican dioceses in Ireland. The Movement’s “flash point” was a sermon on “National Apostasy” delivered by Anglican Pastor John Keble on July 14, 1833. Pastor Keble’s sermon’s resounded broadly in Protestant circles. Recovering the … Read more

Chile’s Radical Leftist Referendum Suffers A Clear, Crushing, and Definitive Defeat

Chile’s Radical Leftist Referendum Suffers A Clear, Crushing, and Definitive Defeat

The September 4 Constitutional referendum in Chile was a clear lesson that handed an overwhelming defeat to the proposals of the radical left. The option was simple: Approve or Reject a 388-article projected constitution drafted at a constitutional convention completely dominated by extreme leftists utterly ignorant of constitutional law. Antecedents The text … Read more

Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: Breaking the Silence

During a conversation, someone reportedly told Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: “You are little known.” With that quickness of mind that he never lacked, the Catholic leader replied: “In fact, I have the reputation of being unknown.” Indeed, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira’s public life was a rollercoaster alternating between long periods of … Read more

America Faces Problems that Refuse to Be Left Behind

America Faces Problems that Refuse to Be Left Behind

The philosopher George Santayana (1863—1952) once observed that we Americans don’t solve problems; we leave them behind. If there’s an idea we don’t like, we don’t bother refuting it but simply talk about something else, and the original idea dies from neglect. We leave the problems that bother us in the past … Read more