How to See the ‘Dark Ages’ in Beautiful New Light

How to See the ‘Dark Ages’ in Beautiful New Light

For nearly five hundred years, scholars and historians have referred to anything backward and primitive as coming from the “Dark Ages.” The term was created to refer to medieval times, which some say were mired in darkness and backwardness. Typical of this misconception is the 2020 introduction of the book: World After … Read more

Five Crucial Lessons from the Uproar over Roe v. Wade

Five Crucial Lessons from the Uproar over Roe v. Wade

Roe v. Wade is dead. The decision to overturn it represents more than the end of a bad law. It changes the moral debate in America today. The uproar over the leaked opinion that preceded the ruling and now its dramatic aftermath contains five crucial lessons that must orient the post-Roe future. … Read more

Why the Pro-Abortion Movement Is Leaving Feminists Behind

The left’s narrative has long been a feminist tale of oppression. For fifty years, the abortion movement has revolved around the myth that it safeguards women’s health. For this reason, abortion is expressed in terms of women’s bodies with cries of “my body, my choice.” Men need not opine. Suddenly, a strange … Read more

A Global Culture War that the West Must Win

The war in Ukraine is more than an unjust war of aggression by Russia. It also targets the West as a concept and geopolitical bloc. A global culture war looms on the horizon, threatening to tear everything apart. Two notions of what is meant by “the West,” one true and the other … Read more

Why is the Financial Sector Destroying Corporate America? We Must Stop the ‘ESG’ Tyranny

Why is the Financial Sector Destroying Corporate America? We Must Stop the ‘ESG’ Tyranny

The greatest enemy of America’s financial future is not any foreign nation, a government regulator or a dangerous ideologue. The existential threat to America today is the “woke” financial establishment. It is presently politicizing business and weaponizing investment in policies that will have a devastating effect on America and the world. Big … Read more