Has Mickey Mouse Morphed Into a Rat?

Civilizations decay when people feel uncomfortable inside the societies they establish. Nations die when national institutions crumble, and enduring traditions fade. They fall more from internal dissent and self-destruction than the blows of hostile barbarians. Thus, the ideals that inspire nations are more important than territory and even economic success. A major … Read more

School Board Says NO to Satan Club in Elementary School

Satanism failed this time. On April 19, 2022, the Northern York School Board voted against allowing an After School Satan Club to operate at Northern Elementary School. The school board’s eight to one decision to protect children from evil was received with applause by the local community. However, The Satanic Temple already … Read more

An Ohio University Professor’s Lawsuit Threatened to Bring the Whole “Woke” World to its Knees

Around the nation, Christians cheer the “pronoun” victory of Professor Nicholas Meriweather over the “woke” Shawnee State University in Ohio. Leftists are just as loud in their denunciations. Like most schools, Shawnee State University has a “Mission Statement” designed to be catchy and arrogant: “We Prepare Today’s Students to Succeed in Tomorrow’s … Read more

How One ‘Drag StoryBook Hour’ Protest Changed McLean, Virginia

Not much usually happens at the McLean Community Center in the affluent D.C. suburb in Northern Virginia. Its eleven elected non-salaried officials take care of the family-oriented activities offered to residents. The center is locally financed by a special resident tax that gives neighbors a say in what happens there. This local … Read more

The Roots of the American Spirit

The following article is adapted from the book Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church written by Julio Loredo de Izcue. ✧                    †                    ✧ In the United States, the problem of liberal Catholicism presented itself somewhat differently. The question centered not so much upon trying to accommodate Catholic doctrine to the heritage of the … Read more

Three Reasons Why We Shouldn’t Fool With God’s Time

The subject should not cause much debate since it appears to be a technical issue. Thus, I tended to ignore it when first hearing about it. However, with the passage of a bit of time, I started noticing a general discomfort around the matter. I felt the same uneasiness. The issue is … Read more