In China, COVID Kills No One

In dealing with the public, health officials handling the COVID crisis should present the facts without political agendas. If they want people to take them seriously, they need to be consistent and logical in their policies to contain the virus. They cannot present one scenario for one place and another somewhere else. … Read more

Maj. Lawrence “Ben” Bender: A True American Patriot

On March 27, 2020, the Marine Corps lost one of their own with the passing of Maj. Lawrence Bender. All Americans should know about him because he was a patriot. In other words, he truly loved and defended his country with devotion. This is particularly important today since many—like the multi-million-dollar athletes … Read more

The Essence of Liberal Catholicism

The following article is adapted from the book Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church written by Julio Loredo de Izcue. ✧                    †                    ✧ The Liberal Spirit In dealing with liberal Catholicism we must distinguish between underlying passional proclivities and doctrines properly speaking. The first thing we find in liberal Catholics is a profound … Read more

Why ‘Cathonomics’ Is Neither Catholic nor Economic

The title of the book Cathonomics: How Catholic Tradition Can Create a More Just Economy is intriguing, since it highlights that the Church has much to offer in the line of economics. The author tries to merge two fields that generally do not mix, although they should. However, it is one thing … Read more

How the Weaponized Dollar Could Change Everything

The headlines focus on the military actions of the war in Ukraine. Everything is seen in terms of stubborn resistance, horrific devastation and military supplies flooding over the border to frustrate Russia’s ambition to take over Ukraine. However, another fight rages in the background that could have more impact on the world … Read more

The Holy Shroud: a Twenty-First Century Gospel

The Holy Shroud of Turin confirms the terrible punishments inflicted on Our Lord Jesus Christ during the Passion with such extraordinary precision that it has even been called the “Fifth Gospel.” Meditating on the Passion and Death of Our Lord Jesus Christ, especially during Lent, has always been an occasion of great … Read more

Truth and ‘Transgenderism’ Clash at Georgetown University

Although Georgetown University is the oldest Catholic university in America, many of its students and faculty members are at odds with Church teaching. When TFP Student Action volunteers visited the Jesuit campus on April 4, 2022, to defend family values, they met a mob of unruly students who attempted to kick them … Read more

How Christian Socialism Infiltrated into the Church

To understand the crisis inside the Church, one must first look at the processes that led to the present situation inside the Church. The roots of this crisis extend much farther back than the times of the Second Vatican Council. It can be seen in the appearance of Christian Socialism in the … Read more

Where Integralism Goes Wrong

Where Integralism Goes Wrong

A grand debate is raging inside the Catholic world over the role of the political order in a Christian society. Many have seen the secular world’s failure to address the needs of the soul and thus reject liberalism’s artificial separation of the political and spiritual spheres. One proposed philosophy is called Integralism. … Read more