Is China’s Military a Paper Tiger Like Russia’s?

Is China’s Military a Paper Tiger Like Russia’s?

Russia is stalled in a war in Ukraine that has humiliated the nation’s military. There is no link between reality and the Russian propaganda videos that show a formidable fighting machine capable of conquering the world. Russia struggles to take over its smaller neighbor with roughly one-third of its population. On paper, … Read more

Why Are All the Wrong People Supporting Ukraine?

In a polarized country, when one side enthusiastically supports an issue, the rule of thumb for the other side is to take the opposite position. However, when two enemies suddenly find themselves in the same foxhole, it naturally raises the question: Is something wrong? This is the case regarding Ukraine. Conservatives who … Read more

History Repeats Itself with the German Green Economy

In the summer of 1948, Joseph Stalin decided to suffocate West Berlin by cutting off the rails and roads that carried food and fuel to the isolated city in the middle of East Germany. In response, the U.S. Air Force supplied the besieged city by air. This arduous task required that an … Read more

How “Stolen Land Covenants” Work To Undermine Western Culture

On many American college campuses, the most potent administrators are connected to the three words “diversity, equity and inclusion” (DEI). According to a study done by The Heritage Foundation, “The promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) on college campuses has become a central concern of higher education.” Not only are the … Read more

The ‘Whole Life Movement’ Tries to Equate the Pro-life Message and Climate Change: It Fails

On March 20, The New York Times published an article—“How the ‘Whole Life’ Movement Challenges the Politics of Left vs. Right”—in which columnist and Anglican minister Tish Harrison Warren discussed the “Whole Life Movement.” More of an ideology than an official, well-defined movement, the “Whole Life” movement initially appears to support the … Read more

New Book Shows Why Americans Must be Concerned about Liberation Theology Today

The following article is adapted from John Horvat’s foreword for the book Liberation Theology: How Marxism Infiltrated the Catholic Church written by Julio Loredo de Izcue. ✧                    †                    ✧ Many look at liberation theology as a Latin American phenomenon that need not concern Americans. In 1971, Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez, a Peruvian theologian, released the movement’s seminal … Read more

Considerations on the Russian Soul

Considerations on the Russian Soul

In the context of the book Revolution and Counter-Revolution, we can ask: If there had been a counter-revolutionary tsar, what would his policies have been? First of all, he obviously would have converted to the Catholic Faith and had it established throughout Russia. Then, from the temporal perspective, he should have found … Read more

Why Is Biden’s SEC Waging War on American Energy?

Russia’s war on Ukraine is changing the geopolitics of the world. The delicate situation calls for agility and improvising to adjust to a crisis that could quickly become ugly. The Biden Administration and Western Europe have imposed sanctions as part of a strategy to end the war. However, the Administration is also … Read more

Marching for Life in New York City Stirs Controversy

Marching for Life in New York City Stirs Controversy

Ukraine is not the only victim in our times of war and turmoil. The unborn are the innocent victims in the United States, and we must defend them. Thus, on the feast of the Annunciation, March 25, 2022, members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP) … Read more

Liberalism vs. Putinism: A False Dilemma

Liberalism vs. Putinism: A False Dilemma

Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine on February 24, most of the focus attention has been on the military and humanitarian aspects of the conflict. The war is, after all, a geopolitical earthquake, the worst fighting and refugee crisis on European soil since World War II. It is possible that the war … Read more