Five Hopeful Signs that Can Encourage us in 2022

Five Hopeful Signs that Can Encourage us in 2022

In times of crisis like ours, there is the constant temptation for discouragement. The challenges we face are indeed great. All around us, there are signs of decadence and decay. Instead of great hope, many will greet the year 2022 with gloom and anxiety. The proper balance is neither underestimating our dire … Read more

Protesters Mobilize Against Box Office Failure Benedetta

Protesters Mobilize Against Box Office Failure Benedetta

The film Benedetta was released nationwide on December 3 during the holy season of Advent. Traditionally, the faithful prepare for the Holy Day of Christmas during Advent. However, one way of preparation has been a corresponding wave of protests to meet this blasphemous film. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, … Read more

Christmas Carols and Prayer on the Streets of Dublin Turn Heads

Christmas Carols and Prayer on the Streets of Dublin Turn Heads

Irish Society for Christian Civilisation—ISFCC, an organization of lay Catholics, held three Christmas rallies on O’Connell St., Dublin on the 4th, 11th and 18th of December. Approximately seventy people attended each rally. The participants prayed the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary. They sang traditional Christmas carols such as Silent Night and Angels … Read more

Why Are so Many Muslims Leaving Islam?

Why Are so Many Muslims Leaving Islam?

The ever-present specter of Islamism and its anti-Christian beliefs should not be taken lightly. As Luiz Sérgio Solimeo describes in his book, Islam and the Suicide of the West, Islam strongly tends towards radical violent attitudes toward the West. Wherever Islam takes over, it leaves room for little else. However, there are … Read more

How Notre Dame Cathedral Converted Paul Claudel

How Notre Dame Cathedral Converted Paul Claudel

The planned “renovation” of the interior of the medieval Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, France, will transform the venerable building into what many call a “woke” modernization. Such a deformation of the sublime shrine to Our Lady must be opposed and protested. Please Sign Here to Prevent Notre Dame From Being … Read more

Eleven Ways the Pro-Abortion Movement Admits It Went Wrong

Eleven Ways the Pro-Abortion Movement Admits It Went Wrong

The pro-abortion movement is running scared. It likes to portray itself as a popular movement representing all women and progressive ideas. Suddenly, pro-abortionists are realizing the bottom has fallen out of their assumptions. They are not popular. Many women, indeed mostly women, oppose them. Given the “choice” about unlimited abortion, nearly half … Read more

Here’s the Real Reason Why I Hate Socialism

Here’s the Real Reason Why I Hate Socialism

There are many reasons to hate socialism. Most people hate it for economic reasons. Socialists believe in the collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. Thus, it alienates countless people by its attack on private property. People also hate socialism for its coercive character. … Read more