We Need Americans with Grit and Who Get the Job Done

We Need Americans with Grit and Who Get the Job Done

Amid the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, a glimmer of honor appeared on the horizon. A group of American veterans helped evacuate fellow Americans and faithful Afghans left behind to face the Taliban. These Americans, many of them former members of Special Forces, arranged to send people out of the country. After the … Read more

“Finding” Law in the Texas Heartbeat Law Decision

“Finding” Law in the Texas Heartbeat Law Decision

In the wake of the SCOTUS decision on the Texas Heartbeat Act, many accuse Texas of legalizing vigilantism. The left paints the new law as a sinister manipulation aimed at eviscerating compliance in Texas with Roe v. Wade. Undoubtedly, the act that allows private individuals to bring a civil suit against anyone … Read more

“Technology-Rich” Classrooms Cannot Replace Good Teachers

“Technology-Rich” Classrooms Cannot Replace Good Teachers

As any honest teacher will tell you, learning is difficult. However, teachers may only admit this truth when no one else is around. Such disclosures clash with the prevailing educational orthodoxy. In addition, learning difficulties are likely to be blamed on teachers, who thus make themselves targets. Therefore, making it easy to … Read more

With the Fall of Afghanistan, We Enter a Dangerous New World

With the Fall of Afghanistan, We Enter a Dangerous New World

With the fall of Afghanistan to the Taliban, we can say that the 9/11 era has officially ended. America’s response to the 2001 terrorist attack is over. We have entered a post-9/11 era that woefully reflects the decay of our institutions and resolve. America Has Changed Indeed, America has changed in these … Read more

Time to Return to Medieval Courtesy Books

Time to Return to Medieval Courtesy Books

To the “woke” crowd, teaching civility and manners favors artificial concepts that reinforce power structures and control behavior. This Marxist perspective reduces everything to the class struggle terms of oppressor and oppressed. For this reason, manners must be eradicated and never taught to vulnerable children. So many things today reflect this anti-manners … Read more

Evaluating the Spectacular Impact of the Religious Right

Evaluating the Spectacular Impact of the Religious Right

One of the trials in being conservative is that the liberal media likes to give the idea that our actions occur in a vacuum. The more liberal the media, the more insistent is the claim that conservative action has no impact. Consequently, the more conservative the organization, the less coverage, favorable or … Read more

Neither Peace nor Honor in Afghanistan

Neither Peace nor Honor in Afghanistan

The dramatic images of the fall of Kabul to the Taliban cannot help but evoke the strikingly similar scenes from the defeat of South Vietnam 46 years ago. Thousands of people physically clinging to airplanes, triumphant Taliban fighters posing in the Afghan presidential palace and helicopters snatching up the last embassy officials … Read more