In Minneapolis, Defund Abruptly Becomes Refund the Police

In Minneapolis, Defund Abruptly Becomes Refund the Police

After the George Floyd riots, Minneapolis citizens defunded the police, who they deemed a menace to the community. Now, however, massive spikes in murder, robberies, rape and car-jackings have changed the minds of Minneapolis residents, who now live in fear, not from the police, but criminals running rampant. Some “woke” liberals have … Read more

Let Pope Francis Speak Out

Let Pope Francis Speak Out

For months, there have been increasing news reports of Catholic prelates speaking out in favor of ceremonies blessing same-sex union. Two of the most recent such statements come from the newly appointed Archbishop of Dublin (Ireland) and the Bishop of Mainz (Germany). Both hypocritically added that they support these ceremonies as long … Read more

Is Dorothy Day Another of Joe Biden’s Heroes?

Is Dorothy Day Another of Joe Biden’s Heroes?

In an earlier article, we pointed out how an American-style “Catholic-communism” has taken up residence in the Oval Office with the election of Joe Biden. There is now a growing symbiosis between the religious and political spheres in the United States. Starting with the President, an increasing number of leftist Democratic leaders … Read more

This is the Deeper Socialist Meaning of the Stimulus Check

This is the Deeper Socialist Meaning of the Stimulus Check

The Biden Administration is loudly promoting the next round of stimulus checks that will soon find their way into voter pockets. The checks are only the beginning of a string of benefits now in the pipeline. The new check will total $2,000 per person when combined with the last check. Most people … Read more

Who Is at Fault in the GameStop Controversy?

Who Is at Fault in the GameStop Controversy?

The recent GameStop scandal is not easy to understand. Suffice it to say that it involves stock market tricks that traders play to make money off the misfortunes of declining companies. By placing bets on bleak futures, traders can game the system to garner profits. Such tricks add nothing to market value. … Read more

What Has Happened to Our Sense of Shame?

What Has Happened to Our Sense of Shame?

We used to have a sense of shame that influenced our behavior. Reflecting upon a vile word or deed might cause shame to rise up in us. When admonished for wearing something revealing or improper, it could trigger a movement of shame. Betraying faith, family or principles were once considered shameful acts … Read more

Who Was Cesar Chavez and Why Is He in the Oval Office?

Who Was Cesar Chavez and Why Is He in the Oval Office?

On a table in the Oval Office, President Joe Biden keeps framed pictures and busts of those who served as inspiration throughout his long political career. One bust features Cesar Chavez, a distant figure from the sixties. He seems disconnected from the present world. However, such a conclusion is a great mistake. … Read more

When No One Knows What Freedom Is, All Is Lost

When No One Knows What Freedom Is, All Is Lost

In our polarized nation, no other word causes so much confusion as freedom. Everyone claims to fight for freedom. Each side in the political debate claims the other is an enemy of freedom. And yet, it seems we have less and less freedom. We have lost the meaning of the word. When … Read more