Church Is Source of Uplifting Beauty in COVID Crisis

Church Is Source of Uplifting Beauty in COVID Crisis

Paris is the City of Light, full of spectacle, beauty, and art. Yet in these dreary times of coronavirus lockdown, the theaters and concert halls are silent and dark. Artistic beauty finds no refuge from the draconian restrictions that constrain the body and stifle the soul. The New York Times culture critic … Read more

Green Madness Tries to Destroy the Netherlands

Green Madness Tries to Destroy the Netherlands

In early 2020, I had the honor of editing the book Green is the New Red, which was put together by a study committee of the Civitas Christiana Foundation. We sought to denounce the environmentalist maneuvers and help the Netherlands face the threats that, in the name of ecology, daily menace the … Read more

Marijuana Use: the Basis for a Godless Culture

Marijuana Use: the Basis for a Godless Culture

Many discuss the dangers of marijuana but few address how it can destroy Western Christian culture. The Liberal Agenda To Legalize Marijuana However, this harm is plausible, given the left’s efforts to make the legalization of marijuana a vital part of its agenda. A decriminalization bill will soon be presented to the … Read more

Are the Vatican and Business Leaders Working to Improve or Destroy Capitalism?

Are the Vatican and Business Leaders Working to Improve or Destroy Capitalism?

Socialism has failed worldwide because it uses the government’s brutal power to force people into its anti-natural program against private property. It also suppresses the social, economic and religious forces that are the natural defenses against its destruction. However, the ideological virus has the uncanny ability to mutate. When one plan shipwrecks, … Read more

Why Learning to Love Debt Is Not a Good Idea

Why Learning to Love Debt Is Not a Good Idea

It is that time again when liberals, sensing the possibility of being in control, are revving up the debt engines. So many things need to be done in a post-COVID world, and there is so little revenue to pay for it. Debt is the way out, they claim. Now is the time … Read more

Three Gift Suggestions for a Christmas that is Not Ordinary

Three Gift Suggestions for a Christmas that is Not Ordinary

This isn’t an ordinary Christmas. In many places, officials are trying to steal Christmas from those who wish to celebrate it in churches. Families are discouraged from holding get-togethers in the home. Thus, we are left to observe this Christmas in our hearts, where no force can enter, but we still feel … Read more

Astonishing: How the Establishment Sold Out to Bob Dylan

Bob Dylan has just sold his entire 600-song catalog to Universal Music Publishing Group for an estimated $300 million. The move is highly symbolic yet hardly surprising. The 79-year-old artist has always been a paradoxical and symbolic character on the American music scene. The sixties folk singer became a rebel of the … Read more

Why Too Many Choices Drive You Crazy. Prudence is the Solution!

Why Too Many Choices Drive You Crazy. Prudence is the Solution!

Many claim the inebriating idea of unlimited choice is an expression of a marvelous consumer culture. They might even say that the frenetic intemperance of having endless possibilities is the essence of freedom. It does not matter if people cannot exercise even a fraction of these options as long as the choices … Read more