During this Advent, May Grace Rain on a Sinful World

During this Advent, May Grace Rain on a Sinful World

Advent: From the Latin ad-venio, to come to. “Send down the dew, ye heavens, from above, and let the clouds rain the Just One: let the earth be opened, and bud forth the Redeemer.” These words of the Advent hymn, Rorate Caeli, echo the longings of the Fathers of old for the … Read more

Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Civil Unions, but Something Intrinsically Evil Cannot Be the Object of Legal Rights

Pope Francis Endorses Same-Sex Civil Unions, but Something Intrinsically Evil Cannot Be the Object of Legal Rights

Released on October 21, Francesco, a documentary by Evgeny Afineevsky, shocked millions of Catholics because Pope Francis visually endorsed the legalization of same-sex unions. Two cardinals, several bishops, priests, and lay Catholics stressed the obvious: The papal endorsement is incompatible with Catholic doctrine. Based on Scripture, Tradition, and her perennial teaching, the … Read more

Meet the Radical “Eco-Theologian” Behind the Economy of Francis

Meet the Radical “Eco-Theologian” Behind the Economy of Francis

It is a well-known tactic, already explored by Machiavelli. It consists of using a trusted intermediary to launch borderline ideas and trends that dazzle by their extremism. The trusted man plants a flag beyond the boundaries of the acceptable or even the reasonable. He provokes, unsettles and knocks things down. If the … Read more

Cardinal Gregory: Does Sin Still Matter?

Cardinal Gregory: Does Sin Still Matter?

Over Thanksgiving weekend, Archbishop Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C. went to Rome to receive a cardinal’s hat. His Eminence will henceforth be known as Cardinal Gregory, as he exercises an office that carries with it great responsibility. His elevation to cardinal coincides with the possible elevation of Joseph Biden to the presidency … Read more

The Murder of Down Syndrome Babies Goes Mainstream

The Murder of Down Syndrome Babies Goes Mainstream

There is not much that shocks the readers of The Atlantic. The cultural journal is always raising controversy and pushing the envelope with articles defending liberal opinions that often evolve into bestselling books. However, many were stunned by the cover article in its December print edition. There is no way to deny … Read more

In Defense of Saint Junipero Serra

In Defense of Saint Junipero Serra

During the summer unrest, Catholics were horrified by the toppling of statues of Saint Junipero Serra, the apostle of California. He did nothing to deserve such treatment. Those who attack the saint accuse him of genocide, enslaving the Indians and destroying native culture. By dint of repetition, this false narrative may lead … Read more

The “Economy of Francis” Pushes Poverty and Pulverizes Achievement

The “Economy of Francis” Pushes Poverty and Pulverizes Achievement

Those who have lived under communism experienced not only its dictatorial nature but also the drabness of its daily life. A communist regime is marked by poor lighting, non-existent maintenance, dilapidated buildings, meager food, empty shelves, dull clothing, little choice of entertainment, absence of superfluous goods and other somber elements. This drabness … Read more

Five Powerful Reasons To Appreciate God This Thanksgiving

Five Powerful Reasons To Appreciate God This Thanksgiving

This Thanksgiving, the COVID crisis threatens and discourages all the material trappings that usually characterize the secularized holiday: big family get-togethers, sporting events and “Black Friday” shopping binges. We are left with a more subdued atmosphere that is conducive to thinking about higher things. There is much to consider. It seems that … Read more

How the Virus Killed Santa Claus But Not Christmas

How the Virus Killed Santa Claus But Not Christmas

Christmas is a special time for children, who are attracted by the sublime and themes of wonder and grace. As at the time of His birth, the Divine Infant radiates innocence and joy in a sinful world. Children especially sense these special graces and share in the Christmas joy. Even the commercialization … Read more