Satanic Bias: Closed Churches and Open Strip Clubs

Satanic Bias: Closed Churches and Open Strip Clubs

In the face of the coronavirus crisis, real leaders should help establish the seriousness of the threat. Nevertheless, in many places, they are failing miserably. Their misguided decisions provide ammunition for corona-skeptics to question unfairly applied restrictions and fuel conspiracy theories about hidden agendas. In many jurisdictions, COVID pandemic measures appear to … Read more

Deutsche Bank Study Suggests a 5% Work-From-Home “Privilege” Tax

Deutsche Bank Study Suggests a 5% Work-From-Home “Privilege” Tax

In the crazy COVID world of employment, governments forced firms to have employees work from home remotely. Like so many “temporary” measures to reduce exposure, the changes are fast becoming permanent. Employees are staying home, even though the home’s distractions impact work quality. A Deutsche Bank study by Luke Templeman proposes that … Read more

Stunning Link Between Fatima and the 2020 General Election

Stunning Link Between Fatima and the 2020 General Election

Among conservatives, the 2020 elections had the best intentions of defending vaguely Christian principles in an aggressive neo-pagan world. Neither side entirely prevailed. Indeed, the nation’s county-electoral map remains the same vast red rural sea with urban islands of blue that first appeared in the Presidential election of 2000. Such has been … Read more

What’s Behind the Great Masking Divide?

What’s Behind the Great Masking Divide?

The great mask controversy exploded on the scene as the COVID crisis developed. Contrary to what might be expected, the demand for masking soon became a major issue. A simple matter of medical precaution turned into an ideological fight running along the same fault lines now polarizing the nation. Almost immediately (with … Read more

Rockefellers Push for the Suicide of Big Oil

Rockefellers Push for the Suicide of Big Oil

Many correctly see the “Green New Deal” as a great government threat to the nation. The proposed legislation would introduce drastic restrictions on industry and change the American way of life. The culprit of this self-destructive campaign is a government that imposes itself on the population through laws, rules and regulations costing … Read more

Explaining Colin Kaepernick’s New Communist Endgame

Explaining Colin Kaepernick's New Communist Endgame

Back in 2016, Quarterback Colin Kaepernick offended the nation when he knelt on one knee during the playing of the National Anthem before a football game. His protest “against police brutality” changed the National Football League forever. Soon, other players imitated the activist quarterback. Thus, began the process in which America’s favorite … Read more

A Symbolic Knife Attack Announces the Decapitation of the West

A Symbolic Knife Attack Announces the Decapitation of the West

Two bloody beheadings by Islamic militants in France shocked the world. The French government and the media are trying to frame the attacks as only the work of isolated fanatics exposed to radicalized Islam. Such an evaluation is a mistake. Something more ominous is contained in these ghastly deeds. The crimes sent … Read more

Three Final Thoughts on Election Day

Three Final Thoughts on Election Day

Election Day has arrived, and voters will decide the course of America for the next four years. Like all postmodern elections, this is again the most important election in our history. The stakes are very high. The campaigns are over, and everything has been said. The two sides are locked in battle, … Read more