Leftists Propose Socialist Communities to Replace Police

Leftists Propose Socialist Communities to Replace Police

The defund the police movement clearly defines its goal. Its activists believe police officers are agents of violence inside the community. Their solution is to eliminate police. However, these same defunders are very unclear about what is to replace the police. They carefully avoid the specifics about how their new order will … Read more

America Must Not Abandon Europe

America Must Not Abandon Europe

During his visit to Warsaw in July 2017, President Donald Trump gave one of the best speeches of his presidency. Addressing the people of Poland in front of the Warsaw Uprising memorial, he made a rallying cry for Western civilization: “We must work together to confront forces, whether they come from inside … Read more

Three Reasons Why Catholics Cannot Support the BLM Revolution

Three Reasons Why Catholics Cannot Support the BLM Revolution

An editorial in The New York Times by Elizabeth Bruenig titled “Racism Makes a Liar of God” presents a sentimental yet stinging indictment of Catholics who reject the present anti-racist activism. She cannot understand why these generally conservative Catholics cannot bring themselves to pronounce the three explosive words: Black Lives Matter. The … Read more

Defunding Police Will Destroy the Rule of Law

Defunding Police Will Destroy the Rule of Law

Law enforcement is not the problem, it’s the solution! Imagine a world without law enforcement. It would be hell on earth. Americans sense something of this hell in the lawless aftermath of the death of George Floyd. Violent rioters bent on looting, destroying and terrorizing, quickly hijacked legal and peaceful protests. When … Read more

Faithful Catholics Take Saint Serra Statue Fight to the Courts

Faithful Catholics Take Saint Serra Statue Fight to the Courts

In 1782, Saint Junípero Serra founded his final mission—San Buenaventura—in what is now the city of Ventura, California. In 1833, the Mexican government confiscated the land and sold it to ranchers. By 1936, over 100 years after the Mexican secularization act and almost a century after becoming part of the United States, … Read more

The Stunning Triumph of Thomas Hobbes in the COVID Crisis

The Stunning Triumph of Thomas Hobbes in the COVID Crisis

People used to face challenges and risks to obtain higher goals in life. They understood that there were goods higher than material success and even life itself. Such goals included great deeds, artistic expressions and personal sanctity. Such accomplishments brought honor, glory and salvation upon those who made great efforts. The present … Read more

Why the Great Depression of 2020 Will Be Different

Why the Great Depression of 2020 Will Be Different

They are already calling the current pandemic-induced economic crisis, “The Great Depression of 2020.” The paradigm is, of course, the Great Depression of 1929 that substantially changed the world’s model of development, signaling the onset of State intervention in the economy (the welfare state). Analysts are also calling it “The Great Jump … Read more

Waiting to Be Human Again In a Crazily Depersonalized Era

Waiting to Be Human Again In A Crazily Depersonalized Era

As more things move online, I notice that relationships are becoming increasingly impersonal. We don’t realize what we are doing in our rush to communicate with others. We don’t see how these virtual encounters can often be rude and brusque. Offended parties feel helpless to respond. I have often felt this way … Read more

What Happens When Bailouts No Longer Work?

What Happens When Bailouts No Longer Work?

The dynamics of postmodern economics defies the logic of times past. Everyone used to know that there is no such thing as a free lunch and that flawed financial acts always have consequences. Common sense dictates that national economies should function like home economies. People should not spend more than they make … Read more