This Is Not About Statues. It Is a War on Civilization!

This Is Not About Statues. It Is a War on Civilization!

As the violent statue war rages on, it is becoming increasingly clear that the issue is not about the statues. This is a war on civilization. The criteria for toppling historical figures is ever-broadening. Rioters aim to throw down all that was once revered. Nothing is safe; no one is spared. First, … Read more

The Feminist War on Fatherhood: Book Review of The New Politics of Sex

The Feminist War on Fatherhood: Book Review of The New Politics of Sex

In his book, Slouching Towards Gomorrah, the late Judge Robert Bork wrote that “radical feminism is the most destructive and fanatical movement to come down to us from the sixties…This is a revolutionary, not reformist movement…Totalitarian in spirit, it is deeply antagonistic to traditional Western culture and proposes the complete restructuring of … Read more

Three Reasons I Take the People’s Republic of CHAZ Very Seriously

Three Reasons I Take the People’s Republic of CHAZ Very Seriously

When Antifa and other groups’ militants took over a six-block section of Seattle’s Capitol Hill precinct, the liberal media treated the occupation lightheartedly. They portrayed the action as a way protesters with limited resources can garner attention from an oppressive establishment. Many conservatives assume that the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) will … Read more

To the Left: Stop Weaponizing the Word “Selfish”

To the Left: Stop Weaponizing the Word “Selfish”

Selfish is a word that is gaining currency in the coronavirus crisis. Those who oppose excessive lockdown measures can easily find themselves shamed by this latest word in the liberal lexicon, comparable to the expression anti-choice. The word is common enough. A dictionary definition of selfish is the state of being “concerned … Read more

Beware the Rule of the Riot-makers

Beware the Rule of the Riot-makers

In the face of the recent riots, many try to distinguish between protesters and the “radical elements” who riot. The former are always good and even patriotic. The latter are lamentable and perhaps criminal. In the words of Gen. James Mattis, the riots are the work of “a small number of lawbreakers” … Read more

Why Were Witches Involved in the Protests?

Why Were Witches Involved in the Protests?

The recent protests were supposed to be rallies of concerned Americans who were horrified by the death of George Floyd. However, many protests degenerated into riots that destroyed parts of American cities. Unfortunately, many capitalized on the events to present other agendas. People who have absolutely nothing to do with the issue … Read more

How the Pandemic Response Contradicts the LGBT Agenda

How the Pandemic Response Contradicts the LGBT Agenda

There’s nothing like a reality check. With the COVID-19 pandemic now retreating, a period of reflection begins. Can we learn anything from what happened? Among the lessons of this Chinese virus, one will cause much discussion. That lesson is that contrary to what the LGBT lobby says, men and women are not … Read more