How Modern Psychology Contributes to the Mental Health Crisis

How Modern Psychology Contributes to the Mental Health Crisis

America is being overwhelmed with a public health crisis. This is evidenced in rising levels of anxiety, depression, isolation, drug addiction, suicide and other psychological disorders, not to mention the deviations of homosexuality and transgenderism, which modern psychology largely fosters. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the crisis, with a notable impact on the … Read more

Carbon Passports Wage a War on Traveling

Carbon Passports Wage a War on Traveling

Liberals defending the ecological agenda are promoting a new tax to curtail carbon emissions known as a “carbon passport.” It works like the carbon credit system that heavily incentivizes individuals to offset the effects of their carbon footprints with carbon-absorbing projects. The carbon passport would regulate individual travel based on global carbon … Read more

Why Italian Farmers Have Had Enough of the EU

Why Italian Farmers Have Had Enough of the EU

Farmers’ protests are spreading across Europe like a prairie fire. They started in Germany in December as farmers protested cuts in diesel fuel subsidies. However, they soon developed into a full-blown dissent against the European Union’s agricultural policies, revealing a rage that had been simmering for years. Farmers have had enough! Farmers … Read more

Why National Divorce Is a Horrible Idea that Will Destroy America

Why National Divorce Is a Horrible Idea that Will Destroy America

Some traditional-minded Americans use a horrible metaphor to describe an outcome they desire for the nation. The metaphor is divorce, and the outcome is a separation of a State from the American Union. Proposing a national divorce is like demanding a figurative abortion for some unwanted social problem. Divorce and abortion are … Read more

The Three Mysteries of Vladimir Putin’s Two-Hour Talk Show

The Three Mysteries of Vladimir Putin’s Two-Hour Talk Show

Tucker Carlson’s two-hour interview with Vladimir Putin on February 8 sparked much controversy but clarified little. I would say the interview was well-framed by Putin’s early rebuke when he asked: “Is this a serious conversation or a talk show?” The two seemed on opposite sides. Putin gave the bubbly, cantankerous journalist a … Read more

What I Didn’t See at the 2024 Women’s March

What I Didn’t See at the 2024 Women’s March

What I enjoy the most about attending the annual March for Life is watching the effect it has on the right and the left. I get to witness tens of thousands of young pro-lifers like myself express their enthusiasm for their cause. I also see the despair of abortion zealots. Every year, … Read more