The Issue Is Never the Issue—The Real Issue Is the Revolution

The Issue Is Never the Issue—The Real Issue Is the Revolution

The horrible choking death on May 25 of black American George Floyd by white former Minneapolis policeman Derek Chauvin caused universal outrage across the American political spectrum. Conservatives no less than liberals called for Chauvin to be charged with murder. The Hennepin County, Minnesota attorney is charging Chauvin—who kept Floyd in a … Read more

These Are Not Riots, but a Revolution

These Are Not Riots, but a Revolution

In the face of the violence and rioting rocking the country, we face a painful reality. While all must deplore the death of George Floyd, we must recognize that the riots reflect a society in crisis, not bad law enforcement policies or “systemic” injustice. We need to acknowledge a much greater problem … Read more

The Pandemic Has Made America a Leprosarium of Non-Lepers

The Pandemic Has Made America a Leprosarium of Non-Lepers

We are living in surreal times in which everything is upside down. As society is opening up from the coronavirus lockdown, perhaps a metaphor best explains what we have gone through. For the last three months, we have been living as if the whole nation is locked up in one huge leprosarium. … Read more

Three Themes Needed to Recover from the Coronavirus Crisis

Three Themes Needed to Recover from the Coronavirus Crisis

The coronavirus crisis is turning our lives upside down. The shutdown’s economic impact will be extremely severe. However, we should hope for a profound religious turnaround as we struggle to find meaning in the events around us. Much of the media seeks to reduce the crisis to natural causes. Its apocalyptic character, … Read more

Eco Guru Outlines Post-COVID-19 Green Nightmare

Eco Guru Outlines Post-COVID-19 Green Nightmare

Statements by the French ecological leader Nicolas Hulot to the leftist Parisian daily Le Monde confirm that radical ecologists are positioning themselves to profit from the economic and social crisis caused by COVID-19. Those unfamiliar with French politics may not know Hulot. However, opinion polls show him to be the public figure … Read more

America’s Worst Crisis Is Not Coronavirus. It’s Liberal Doomsaying

America’s Worst Crisis Is Not Coronavirus. It’s Liberal Doomsaying

Until recently, being a doomsayer was a conservative privilege. Conservatives are the ones who uphold a Christian moral code and thus feel entitled to denounce its very real neglect. They have always been accused of seeing divine punishment on the horizon. Liberals generally ridiculed their warnings. However, the coronavirus crisis has changed … Read more

Human Problems Demand Human Not Socialist Solutions

Human Problems Demand Human Not Socialist Solutions

In the fight against the coronavirus, most governments, including America’s, have enacted the Chinese lockdown model for industry. The plan shuts down all “non-essential” activities, lays off workers and expands government benefits and control of society. These massive one-size-fits-all programs deliver predictably inhuman and inflexible results, typical of communist governments. The problem … Read more