The Second Seal of Confession

The Second Seal of Confession

The seal of Confession is a marvel of the Church’s pastoral care of souls. It is the promise on the part of the priest never to reveal the contents of a confession. Sinners are thus reassured that the secrets of their iniquities are forever sealed before God. They leave the confessional forgiven … Read more

The Pachamama, Pope Francis, and the Pandemic

The Pachamama, Pope Francis, and the Pandemic

In several recent pronouncements, Pope Francis has hinted that the current coronavirus pandemic is a revenge of nature. “A Revenge of Nature”? In a March 22 interview with Spanish journalist Jordi Évole, Pope Francis was asked whether the present pandemic is not “a revenge of nature”? The pope answered with a popular … Read more

The Mysterious Arrival of Cuban Doctors in South Africa

The Mysterious Arrival of Cuban Doctors in South Africa

Many South Africans were uneasy with the news of Cuban doctors arriving in the country to help treat COVID-19 patients. The 213-strong team alighted at the Waterkloof Airbase in Pretoria to a show of support normally reserved for visiting heads of state. No less than three members of the Cabinet were on … Read more

Coronavirus and the Changed Theology on Creation

Coronavirus and the Changed Theology on Creation

The Church has had some difficulty interpreting the pandemic crisis from a theological viewpoint. This is because contemporary theology has replaced the traditional conception of God’s Creation, according to which He created everything out of nothing and produced a whole collection of things mysteriously ordered for salvation. Contemporary theology no longer accepts … Read more

19 Leftist Contradictions About the Coronavirus Crisis

19 Leftist Contradictions About the Coronavirus Crisis

The coronavirus crisis has turned the world upside down. Nowhere is this more evident than in the political battles now raging around how to deal with the crisis. Not only has the Culture War not ended, but it intensified. Things are rapidly degenerating into the realm of the unimaginable. The most dramatic … Read more

How the Coronavirus Shutdown Favors Green “De-Development”

How the Coronavirus Shutdown Favors Green “De-Development”

As the debate rages over stay-at-home orders during the coronavirus pandemic, most conservative opposition has focused on the damage to the economy, excessive government surveillance, or the massive increase in government debt. These are very valid and important concerns. But the coronavirus’s most enduring damage will not be a lower GDP, higher … Read more

How Senseless Policies Make America Look like Wuhan, China

How Senseless Policies Make America Look like Wuhan, China

Capitalizing on a crisis to expand authority is not a new phenomenon. Good emergency policies need to be implemented for the sake of the common good. However, these measures can get out of hand and lead to encroachment on personal liberties and rights. All too often, temporary emergency measures become permanent. Overreaching … Read more

Rethinking China

Rethinking China - A Prophetic Voice and the Predictions That Foresaw Where We Are Today

“We will be forced to review our relationship.” Chinese President Xi Jinping addressed this intimidating statement to Donald Trump, who called COVID-19 the “Chinese virus.” The President of the United States, leader of the greatest economic and military power in history, felt the need to surrender and stop using the “Chinese” adjective. … Read more