Did Catholic Governor Andrew Cuomo Blaspheme Against God?

Did Catholic Governor Andrew Cuomo Blaspheme Against God?

On Easter Monday, Governor Andrew Cuomo made a comment about the coronavirus fight that caused a storm of complaints. Many are even calling it blasphemous. He said, “The number is down because we brought the number down. God did not do that. Fate did not do that. Destiny did not do that. … Read more

How the Despair of Humanism Leads to Climate Doom

How the Despair of Humanism Leads to Climate Doom

Those who sincerely believe in “anthropogenic” (formerly manmade) climate change are a hard bunch to understand. This excludes those who cynically use environmentalism to promote an overall leftist agenda or to sell books and turn a profit. Millions of people really await an apocalypse that they see as imminent. They have a … Read more

Two Americas React to the COVID-19 Crisis

Two Americas React to the COVID-19 Crisis

The morning of March 21 seemed to be like any other Saturday morning in York, Pennsylvania. However, it wasn’t. The outbreak of the coronavirus has changed so many aspects of our daily life, not the least being the closure of many stores and businesses. Like all faithful Catholics, we suffer from the … Read more

Does ‘The Little Ice Age’ Prove Man-Made Global Warming?

Does The Little Ice Age Prove Man-Made Global Warming?

The Little Ice Age: How Climate Made History 1300-1850 tells a fascinating story with a questionable conclusion. It is challenging to place its author, Professor Brian Fagan, in any single academic discipline. He was a professor of anthropology at the University of California, Santa Barbara, from 1967 to 2003. His biography also … Read more

Involve All Americans in the Fight Against the Coronavirus!

Involve All Americans in the Fight Against the Coronavirus!

When the coronavirus crisis first erupted, many private companies naturally stepped up to the plate. They saw the needs of communities and addressed them—many times free of charge. U-Haul, for example, saw the plight of stranded college students and offered them free storage place when their schools shut down. Other companies voluntarily … Read more

What Do You Do on a Cruise Ship When the Party’s Over?

What Do You Do on a Cruise Ship When the Party’s Over?

If there is an image that corresponds to the coronavirus crisis of our society, it would be that of the Diamond Princess cruise ship infected in mid-cruise. Before tragedy struck, it had every modern comfort and entertainment. The bands were playing, the theaters were full, the restaurants crowded, and its boutiques well-stocked. … Read more

Three Reasons Why Internet Detox Books Leave Us Frustrated

Three Reasons Why Internet Detox Books Leave Us Frustrated

Technology’s invasion into our daily lives has unleashed a vast array of books and literature that tell us how to keep our gadgets from dominating us. Indistractable: How to Control Your Attention and Choose Your Life by Nir Eyal is one such book. It explores the psychological foundations for distractions and suggests … Read more