Making the Case for America’s Return to Order

Making the Case for America’s Return to Order

If there are gongs that sound in history, one of them would have struck on January 22, 2019. It was a day of infamy for America, the Church and the family. On that 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and to wild applause, we saw the fast-track approval and signing of the … Read more

For American Youth: “Virginity Is Awesome”

For American Youth: “Virginity Is Awesome”

The issue of married priests recently came up in a conversation with a friend. He is a retired Marine Corps Colonel and a Catholic. He was surprised to hear that priestly celibacy is not, as is often stated, a medieval invention. I took advantage to point out to him that remaining chaste, … Read more

Hollywood Hypocrisy and the Green Oscars

Hollywood Hypocrisy and the Green Oscars

No group gives itself more awards than Hollywood actors. Although they may be very talented and hardworking as actors, that does not make them authorities on climate change. As with most things, Hollywood’s eco-message is out of touch with mainstream America. Every year at the Oscar award’s ceremony, for example, winners spout … Read more

Silence the Opposition, Control the Narrative

Silence the Opposition, Control the Narrative

Contrary viewpoints used to be welcomed in a rational debate. In the clash of ideas, people won others over to their position. Those seeking the truth had an opportunity to find it. Today, the situation has changed radically. Emotions, feelings and “my personal truth” are the arguments, and opinions have replaced reasoning. … Read more

Sin and Vice Do Not Belong in the GDP

Sin and Vice Do Not Belong in the GDP

Economics can be a brutal science. Its focus is limited to a particular part of human activity that deals with the process of wealth creation, acquisition, production, and consumption. It measures what has, and not what should have, been done. Economics is also a science of measurements. By calculating profits and losses, … Read more

Bishop McElroy, How Is Climate Change Deadlier Than Abortion?

Bishop McElroy, How Is Climate Change Deadlier Than Abortion?

Abortion presents a problem for the Catholic left since it does not fit into its social justice agenda. It certainly involves social justice in the highest degree since it is a great injustice to deprive an innocent person of life. However, the left, by its nature, always seeks to change “oppressive” social … Read more

Why Mothers Now Weep for Their Children

Why Mothers Now Weep for Their Children

From an economic point of view, the state of the nation could not be better, we are told. Unemployment is down to levels rarely seen before. Inflation is minimal. The stock market has reached record highs. Everything is in place for us to be happy. However, I am sure many join me … Read more