This Is a Balanced Position on Tariffs and Protectionism

This Is a Balanced Position on Tariffs and Protectionism

The trade war has ignited debate on the merits of tariffs and the need to protect the nation’s manufacturing base. Battle lines are drawn between an exaggerated localism that stresses self-sufficiency and a bloated globalism where products transit the Earth unhindered and markets alone rule. Those who adhere to a concept of … Read more

Are Conservatives Soul-Searching in the Wrong Places?

Are Conservatives Soul-Searching in the Wrong Places?

A brutal business climate and societal breakdown have brought major changes to America. In response, many Americans, especially conservatives, are soul searching for something more compassionate for those left behind. Unfortunately, they are looking in the most unlikely places: business and government. They will likely be searching for a long time. The … Read more

Explaining the Change of Mentality That Made Vatican II Possible

Explaining the Change of Mentality That Made Vatican II Possible

Many Catholics have traced the philosophical and theological roots of the present crisis inside the Church. This research does much to explain the evolution of the doctrines that undermine the Faith. However, it does not explain everything. There are other aspects of the practice of the Faith involving habits, culture and customs … Read more

Why Greta Thunberg Should Be Time’s Person of the Year

Why Greta Thunberg Should Be TIME’s Person of the Year

Time magazine has announced that this year’s Person of the Year award will go to the 16-year-old Greta Thunberg. The Swedish school-girl-turned-eco-activist has become the poster-girl of the climate change-turned-emergency worldwide. The choice was not surprising, given the media adulation for the girl who has traveled the globe with a minimal carbon … Read more