The Rise and Fall of Patriotism in Ancient Times

The Rise and Fall of Patriotism in Ancient Times

In today’s polarized climate, Americans are being asked to choose between “either globalism or nationalism.” It is a false dilemma since neither side represents the balanced position found in an authentic patriotism that first appeared in ancient times. However, even ancient forms of patriotism, while sound in their origin, could not keep … Read more

How the Left Gets America’s “Civil War” All Wrong

The influential left-leaning magazine The Atlantic just released a special issue highlighting America’s polarization. It is meant to shock a deeply divided nation struggling to stay together. “How to Stop a Civil War” is the menacing cover story.  “How America Ends” is yet another ominous title among others that analyze the nation’s … Read more

This Is Why Isolating Ourselves Is Not the Solution

This Is Why Isolating Ourselves Is Not the Solution

People who see the horrors of our chaotic world frequently segue to looking for a dangerous non-solution—the Benedict Option. That is why we must resist the temptation of simply writing off the present system with all its problems and isolating ourselves. In resisting, we reaffirm our certainty in Our Lady’s triumph foreseen … Read more

Three Reasons Why Chick-fil-A’s Bad Decision Matters

Fast-food giant Chick-fil-A shocked many conservatives when it suddenly announced a revision of its donation policies that excluded mainstream Christian groups deemed hostile to the LGBTQ+ cause. What triggered the decision is a matter of speculation. While company officials tried to deflect the charge of surrender to the homosexual lobby, no one … Read more

The Roots of American Polarization

The afflictive thing about living in our polarized society is the terrifying thought that there is something permanent in our incompatibility with each other. No one desires the present unpleasantness. We sincerely wish that we could get along. However, most people want a quick fix.  They want magic buttons to push that … Read more