Is America at War With God?

Is America at War With God?

Review of David Horowitz, Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America (West Palm Beach, Fla.: Humanix Books, 2018)   Since the beginning of the Culture Wars in the wake of the Sexual Revolution, conservative Americans have come to believe that many fellow citizens are at war with God. From abortion to … Read more

How the Amazon Synod Turns Poverty Into a Utopian Ideal

How the Amazon Synod Turns Poverty Into a Utopian Ideal

Catholic doctrine teaches that both poverty and wealth are means that can serve to reach our main goal, which is eternal salvation. For this reason, the Church does not condemn being rich or poor. Instead, she criticizes people’s attachment to riches or their contempt for poverty, since these attitudes are at odds … Read more

Can Rivers, Rice and Orangutans Have ‘Personhood Rights?’

Can Rivers, Rice and Orangutans have ‘Personhood Rights?’

The classic philosophical definition of a person is “an individual substance of a rational nature.” A person possesses a center point of being, autonomy and self-sufficiency, which irrational beings do not have. To be a person, one must have a nature capable of self-consciousness, self-possession and self-control. Definitions like this have long … Read more

Why the New Joker Film Is No Laughing Matter

Why the New Joker Film Is No Laughing Matter

The new film, Joker, is much more than a simple film. The intensely violent and bloody blockbuster is a statement about what has gone wrong with our society. It is yet another symptom of a culture that has lost its way. Some films inspire people to do great things. Others contain beauty … Read more

This Is How the Green Ecology Movement Turned Red

This Is How the Green Ecology Movement Turned Red

Below is the text of a talk given by American TFP speaker James Bascom at the October 5 Synod Conference held in Rome. Ladies and gentlemen, distinguished guests, At first glance, it would seem that Marxism, socialism, and communism have little in common with ecology. After all, communist and formerly communist countries … Read more

How I Went to Brazil to Petition for a Catholic Amazon

How I Went to Brazil to Petition for a Catholic Amazon

When I heard about the Pan-Amazon Synod earlier this year, I was concerned about the future of the Church. I heard about strange doctrines and practices that aimed to give the Church an “Amazonian face.” When asked if I would like to go to the Amazon region to see for myself what … Read more

Great Success of the Conference ‘Amazon: the Stakes,’ Organized by the Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Institute

Great Success of the Conference ‘Amazon: the Stakes,’ Organized by the Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Institute

Over two hundred people attended the international conference “Amazon: the Stakes,” organized by the Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira Institute (IPCO) at the Hotel Quirinale in Rome on Saturday, October 5. The event, followed with great attention and interest, was held under the watchful eye of Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the … Read more

Sins of Impurity? No Worries, Says Pope Francis

Sins of Impurity? No Worries, Says Pope Francis

Commenting on Pope Francis’s statements during his recent trip to Mozambique, the Italian daily Il Fatto Quotidiano, headlined: “Pope Francis: ‘Gluttony and lust are not grave sins. Clericalism, fixated on sex, is a true perversion in the Church.’” Supporting the Sexual Revolution Reading this headline, a Catholic could be tempted to conclude that … Read more