What Liberals Got Wrong About the Pan-Amazon Synod Watch Web Site

What Liberals Got Wrong About the Pan-Amazon Synod Watch Web Site

Crux, the well-known American Catholic online newspaper, published a long article signed by Christopher White, which deserves some comment. Beginning with its title, “Catholic reactionary group raising its profile ahead of Amazon synod,” the article takes issue with “a network of far-right groups in Brazil … with a long history of opposing … Read more

The Future Belongs to Those Who Oppose Drag Queen Story Hours

The Future Belongs to Those Who Oppose Drag Queen Story Hours

A new kind of debate is now raging inside conservativism. In times past, we discussed the strategic and tactical options by which we might work toward common goals inside the existing political framework. Today, the framework itself is in question. What is being discussed is the classical liberal foundation of the American … Read more

How Adoration and Retreats Are Transforming Prisoners

How Adoration and Retreats Are Transforming Prisoners

A Catholic web site recently published an article titled “Authorities Dumbfounded at Retreats with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in Prison, Causing a Total Change in Prisoners.” It is a striking testimony to the transformative power of the Church’s ministry. The experimental program in Texas encouraged inmates to participate in religious retreats. … Read more

Liberals Attacking Common Core? Yes, It’s That Toxic

Liberals Attacking Common Core? Yes, It’s That Toxic

The American educational system is always awash with proposals for “change” or “reform.” There are plenty of opportunities. Every time the legacy of John Dewey fails, the educationists rework Deweyism and call it “change” and “reform.” Only the ideas of Karl Marx have failed more often than those of John Dewey. Common … Read more

Is Global Warming Really Happening?

Is Global Warming Really Happening?

For politicians, celebrities, journalists, the United Nations, and Pope Francis, the belief that humanity is causing a steep rise in temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere is more than just a theory, it’s an article of faith. According to this belief, man’s production of greenhouse gases, particularly carbon dioxide, is the primary cause … Read more

The Anti-Pastoral Work of the Amazon Synod. Here’s What You Need to Know

The Anti-Pastoral Work of the Amazon Synod. Here’s What You Need to Know

The Church evangelizes by civilizing and civilizes by evangelizing. In the Church’s two-thousand-year existence, the divine mandate to “Going therefore, teach ye all nations; baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost” (Matt. 28:19) has always borne spiritual and temporal fruit. While spreading … Read more

Something Is Wrong When Family Dinners Are Silent

Something Is Wrong When Family Dinners Are Silent

Never have we been so connected and informed. We have at our fingertips a world of knowledge covering every possible field. We can easily communicate with others all over the world at little cost. We should have advanced immensely in speaking with others. Everything should be in place for long stimulating conversations … Read more

Environmental Psychosis and the New Socialism

Environmental Psychosis and the New Socialism

The fires that are happening in the Brazilian Amazon region attest to the rise of a new world psychosis: a fixation on environmentalism. The remedy proposed to cure this new disease consists of a universal prescription: stop economic growth and development. Let us consider the facts. Since Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro took … Read more

This Is the Ahmari-French Debate That Should Have Happened

This Is the Ahmari-French Debate That Should Have Happened

If you ask those who attended the debate between Sohrab Ahmari and David French at Catholic University, who won the encounter, you will get different answers. Some will say David French displayed superior legal knowledge and a lawyer’s logic. On the other hand, Sohrab Ahmari let loose some powerful jabs that asked … Read more