How UK Professors Mainstream Cannibalism As Normal

How UK Professors Mainstream Cannibalism As Normal

Dostoevsky once said, “If God didn’t exist, everything is possible.” There is wisdom in his observation since, without God, there would be nothing to serve as the ultimate reference for human acts. The eternal law that God established in the universe is inscribed on the human heart. Thus, everyone at all times … Read more

Amazon Synod: The Trojan Horse of Liberation Theology

Amazon Synod: The Trojan Horse of Liberation Theology

“We have a window of opportunity before us that will allow us to move forward. We must not propose liberation theology. It scares many people. We need to talk about socio-environmental issues instead. Along this line, among the signs of the times, you have the Pan-Amazon Synod that will be held in … Read more

When First Class Goes Down, Everyone Suffers

When First Class Goes Down, Everyone Suffers

They say a rising tide lifts all boats. The same might be said for many things in life. When standards are raised high, everyone benefits. The contrary is also true: Lower standards pull everyone down. A curious example of this doctrine is the sorry state of domestic air travel these days. Traveling … Read more

The Cynical Myth of a Global Warming “Consensus”

The Cynical Myth of a Global Warming “Consensus”

An article of faith of the modern environmental movement is the scientific “consensus” behind man-made global warming. Global warming activists and even some serious scientific organizations claim that 97% of the world’s scientists unreservedly accept this theory. It is often the first and most common argument used by climate activists, from Al … Read more

The Importance of ‘Prepping’ – Spiritually Preparing for ‘Whatever’

The Importance of ‘Prepping’ – Spiritually Preparing for ‘Whatever’

There have always been Americans who have prepared themselves for apocalypses, revolutions or major disasters. Some have taken reasonable measures to stockpile essentials. Others have indulged in elaborate concrete bunkers with every material comfort. Hardcore “doomsday prepping” or the significant stockpiling of food, weapons, medicine and other supplies used to be reserved … Read more

What Will the World Be When We All Stop Laughing

What Will the World Be When We All Stop Laughing

We often exercise the power of persuasion in very subtle ways. I saw this happen recently when I made a new acquaintance, who I will call Phil, at a Washington eatery. He served our nation during time of war, and we agreed on many issues. He explained that he is Catholic and … Read more