Can the Mad and Lonely Shooter Be Stopped?

Can the Mad and Lonely Shooter Be Stopped?

Recent shootings serve to highlight how we live in times that are violent and lonely. Young shooters are breaking the precarious rhythms of our daily lives with tragedy. We know little about them. However, one thing they all have in common is loneliness. The Loner as Ideal Revolutionary In times past, subversives … Read more

Yale Professor Has Dramatic Conversion From Darwinism

Yale Professor Has Dramatic Conversion From Darwinism

Many people have felt the scorn of liberals when expressing doubts about man-made global warming. Just a slight reservation about this liberal dogma will bring down ire upon the person who will be forever branded a “climate change denier.” Such treatment pales in comparison to that given those that deny Darwin and … Read more

Having Favored Homosexuality, America Magazine Now Softens Catholic Rejection of Communism

Having Favored Homosexuality, America Magazine Now Softens Catholic Rejection of Communism

“Communists … are opposing an economic system based on avarice, exploitation and human suffering, afflicting the comfortable and comforting the afflicted.” This phrase could appear in a communist propaganda pamphlet or speech by Fidel Castro, Daniel Ortega or any left-wing demagogue. Yet, it appears in a significant essay in the August 5, … Read more

This Is Why Woodstock 50 Was Just Canceled

This Is Why Woodstock 50 Was Just Canceled

Of the rock festivals of the sixties, the Woodstock Music and Art Fair was by far the most famous. Held on a 600-acre dairy farm near Bethel, N.Y. on August 15–17, 1969, the festival is the iconic representation of the drug-addled culture and sexual revolution that upended American life. This August marks … Read more

Green Is the New Red: The Metamorphosis of Communism

Crusade Magazine Front cover vol 161

What is the green movement all about? Where did it come from? What is its ideology? Does it have a solid scientific backing for its theories? Is there a hidden agenda behind it? Does the green movement have communist roots? The environmental or “green” movement is defined and spurred by the issues … Read more

Turning Women Into “Gestators” Is the Way to Abolish Motherhood

Turning Women Into “Gestators” Is the Way to Abolish Motherhood

The present manifestations of feminism are mere phases of a process that seeks the annihilation of women. It seems a contradiction. Feminism claims to glorify women and their accomplishments. Women’s Studies departments worldwide are supposedly dedicated to the study of women’s achievements and the denouncing of the “oppression” they have suffered over … Read more

What Happens When Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truths Face the Facts

What Happens When Al Gore’s Inconvenient Truths Face the Facts

In the climate control debate, the facts should matter. There should be a calm discussion of the facts before taking measures. However, this conversation is not happening. Instead, those who question the climate consensus are censored, labeled and vilified by the media while those who promote the climate agenda are favored, uncensored … Read more

The Media’s Comical but Worrisome Eco-Catastrophe Obsession

The Media’s Comical but Worrisome Eco-Catastrophe Obsession

The ecologist delirium in the Catholic camp is reaching unimaginable heights. An impressive example of this is the daily newspaper of the Italian Bishops’ Conference. Whole sectors of the Catholic world these days are obsessed with the idea of a coming eco-catastrophe. Convinced they are faithfully following Pope Francis’ guidelines, bishops, parish … Read more