This Is What Comes After the Transgender Revolution

This Is What Comes After the Transgender Revolution

The Sexual Revolution must be understood as a process, or else it becomes incomprehensible. Those who promote it will never be satisfied with its present phase. They will always be pushing the envelope to the next new aberration. Few people ask, however, what the next new sexual frontier will be. No one … Read more

Three Surprising Reasons Why Democrats Avoid Religion

Three Surprising Reasons Why Democrats Avoid Religion

Looking over the political landscape, many point to the decline in religious practice as the handwriting on the wall that the political future belongs to the unchurched, atheists and agnostics. Liberals conclude it is only a matter of time before the secular tide will turn in their favor. Let people cling to … Read more

Beware the Godless Narratives of the Democratic Debates

Beware the Godless Narratives of the Democratic Debates

With the next round of Democratic presidential candidate debates that are scheduled for next week, Americans will not hear a discussion of ideas and proposals to solve the nation’s problems, although that should be the purpose of any serious debate. But today, debate means theater. It means posturing. Candidates must capitalize on … Read more

“Do Not Burn What You Adored”

“Do Not Burn What You Adored” Does the Amazon Synod represent the “Amazonization” of the Church?

Does the Amazon Synod represent the “Amazonization” of the Church? Imagine the consequences for civilization and the world’s progress if Saint Remigius would have told Clovis, King of the Franks in 496: “There’s no need to burn the gods you worship because they represent immemorial values of the original culture of your … Read more

The Disappearance of Propriety Led to the Epstein Scandal

The Disappearance of Propriety Led to the Epstein Scandal

The media are all in an uproar about the scandals surrounding the case of Jeffrey Epstein, the New York financier charged with sex trafficking and conspiracy. His alleged crimes rival those attributed to disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein. The case appears to confirm the suspicions of feminists everywhere that the #MeToo era … Read more

The Church at the Service of the Neo-Pagan Agenda

The Church at the Service of the Neo-Pagan Agenda

The working document (Instrumentum laboris) for the coming Extraordinary Assembly of the Synod of Bishops on the Amazon totally opens the gates of the Magisterium to Indian Theology and Eco-theology, two Latin American derivatives of liberation theology (LT). After the collapse of the Soviet Union and the failure of “real socialism,” the … Read more

Can the Public Square Be Value-Neutral in Today’s America?

Can the Public Square Be Value-Neutral in Today’s America?

Public discourse is in a sad state these days. People are not even talking about issues or political problems. Long gone are the times of lofty discussion about ordered liberty and inebriating individualism. Today things are getting ugly. The unpleasantness was brought to light by the Sohrab Ahmari-David French brawl over how … Read more

Why Jesus Is the Just Avenger and Not a Muscle-Man

Why Jesus Is the Just Avenger and Not a Muscle-Man

Modern Catholic iconography tends to either accurately portray or grossly distort the qualities of holy personages. Such is the case with these two representations of Our Divine Savior. The first image is of a modern stained-glassed window positioned above the tabernacle in a Blessed Sacrament chapel. The pierced foot and triumphant gesture … Read more

“Politically Correct” Ecology: An Impious and Inhumane Ideology

“Politically Correct” Ecology: An Impious and Inhumane Ideology

From “Politically Correct” to “Ecologically Correct” A new form of ideological dictatorship dominates contemporary culture. Everything today must be adapted and sacrificed to be “politically correct.” This is well described in a recent book titled Politically Correct: The History of an Ideology (Politicamente corretto: Storia di un’ideologia, Editrice Marsilio, Venice 2018), written … Read more

Four Reasons Why I Never Tried Marijuana

Four Reasons Why I Never Tried Marijuana

As someone who has never tried marijuana, many would disqualify me from having an opinion. I cannot say how it affects the mind. I cannot calibrate the intensity of the experience nor compare it with smoking or alcohol. Thus, many would say that I am a killjoy who has no right to … Read more