Forcing Ladies Into the Military Is Dishonorable

Forcing Ladies Into the Military Is Dishonorable

Ray Smith served our country admirably in the Vietnam War where he earned the Silver Star for his actions in the Tet Offensive and a Navy Cross during the 1972 Easter Offensive. He deservedly reached the rank of a two-star general and in 1998 he had an interview with then-Secretary of the … Read more

Why the Amazon Is a Testing Ground for Religious Radicalism

Why the Amazon Is a Testing Ground for Religious Radicalism

The depth of ignorance among American Catholics concerning the Pan-Amazon Synod is frightening. Most Catholics do not know about or feel threatened by the proceedings that will take place in Rome on October 6–27. However, they should take notice because the effects of this meeting will not be limited to environmental issues. … Read more

These Are the Severe New Casualties of the Sexual Revolution

These Are the Severe New Casualties of the Sexual Revolution

If there were a war in which the casualty figures reached one million people killed or wounded, most people would want to do something drastic to stop it. Imagine if most of those affected were young people. Consider the family, friends and community of the fallen that also would suffer greatly from … Read more

Why Satanism Is Now on the Center Stage in the Culture War

Why Satanism Is Now on the Center Stage in the Culture War

The religious right has often been looked down upon by many Americans involved in the political scene. For them, it shouldn’t exist. According to the secular liberal tradition, the public square is supposed to be value-neutral. Any religious intrusion into political matters is to be discouraged. The secular left is especially fearful … Read more

Fighting Satan on the Last Frontier

Fighting Satan on the Last Frontier

A spiritual battle took place on the Last Frontier as forty local activists joined with members of the America Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property and its Return to Order campaign in Soldotna, Alaska. They were there to protest the Satanic invocation that opened the Kenai Peninsula Borough Public … Read more

This Is Why Liberalism’s Pantheon Failed

This Is Why Liberalism’s Pantheon Failed

A great debate is raging among conservatives about the future of the movement. At stake is the classical liberal tradition that created our pluralistic society. This model holds that the public square must be morally neutral. It establishes a religious indifferentism that avoids the great life questions that assign meaning and purpose … Read more

These Are the Destructive Goals of the Pan-Amazon Synod

These Are the Destructive Goals of the Pan-Amazon Synod

As part of the preparations for the next Pan-Amazon Synod, Pope Francis received on May 27 the Indian chief Raoni Metukire of the Kayapó Amazon tribe in a private audience at Santa Marta in the Vatican. For decades, Raoni has been fighting to preserve indigenous peoples and the Amazon rainforest. Over the … Read more

Not All Walls Are Bad: It Depends on Who Is Building Them

Not All Walls Are Bad: It Depends on Who Is Building Them

“I don’t know what’s happening with this new culture of defending territories by building walls. We already knew one, that (one) in Berlin, which brought so many headaches and so much suffering.” – Pope Francis, quoted in Reuters, May 28, 2019 As the above quote indicates, Pope Francis opposes the idea of … Read more