This Is How Colleges Become Nannies

This Is How Colleges Become Nannies

Students are not coping with university life. The situation is reaching crisis proportions, causing college administrators to have a coping problem of their own. Most of the problems involve anxiety and stress at levels unknown to past generations. Many of the nation’s 21 million college students also lack social skills finding it … Read more

This Is the Danger of Trading With Those Who Hate God in China

This Is the Danger of Trading With Those Who Hate God in China

Recent news reports reveal that communist authorities are demolishing Catholic churches and shrines in China. All this is happening despite communist propaganda assuring outsiders that religion can be freely practiced in China. Western observers thought that if they could just wish hard enough and offer concessions, the Chinese leadership would change for … Read more

Why Are They Circumventing the Electoral College?

Why Are They Circumventing the Electoral College?

A move is afoot to circumvent the Electoral College, especially in light of the 2016 election. States are now introducing legislation that seeks to undermine the institution. Fortunately, Democratic Governor Steve Sisolak of Nevada dared to veto one such bill after it passed in both state houses. Other states have not resisted … Read more

This Is Why Americans Made D-Day an Historic Victory

This Is Why Americans Made D-Day an Historic Victory

This June 6th marks the 75th anniversary of the D-Day Normandy invasion. While not the largest amphibious invasion in history, it is perhaps the most significant. Europe was pinned beneath the boot of National Socialism, a godless gnostic sect that swept God from public life. The Normandy invasion spelled the beginning of … Read more

The Abuse of Images As Seen by a LGBTQ+ Jesus Figure

The Abuse of Images As Seen by a LGBTQ+ Jesus Figure

Ours is a visual culture. Those who desire to attack truth and decency focus above all on the corruption of morals through the corruption of images. Our days are saturated with images and photographs, graphics, pictures, and signs. The worst abuse of images is that of man, who is made in the … Read more

This Was the Most Dangerous Woman in America

This Was the Most Dangerous Woman in America

A sign of the increased popularity of socialism in the United States is the Public Broadcasting System’s airing of a biography of Emma Goldman on its “The American Experience” series. For those unfamiliar with Emma Goldman, she was a self-described revolutionary. The depths of her radical egalitarianism and hatred of religion can … Read more

Why Integral Ecology Will Destroy Civilization

Why Integral Ecology Will Destroy Civilization

Ecological Paradigm Shift It is quite well known that what little goodness and solidity still remaining in our society comes from the remnants of Christian civilization. This same civilization founded two thousand years ago allowed people to build what is broadly called medieval Christendom. Today the dominant intellectual class seeks to replace … Read more

Is the Popular Video Game Fortnite Sinful?

Is the Popular Video Game Fortnite Sinful?

The video game, Fortnite Battle Royale, is disrupting many a household: Parents tell horror stories of young sons who play it non-stop and suddenly turn violent toward those who oppose their playing. For those unfamiliar with Fortnite, it is an immensely popular fast-paced video game which was released in the summer of … Read more

Notre-Dame de Paris: the Light and the Flames

Notre-Dame de Paris: the Light and the Flames

In the distant time when the liturgical reform imposed by the Second Vatican Council found fervent adherents, the celebration of the Mass took on a festive tone with new songs and optimistic sermons amid a display of deplorable scenic representations, all tailored for the Mass to lose its content of mystery. I … Read more