Who Hasn’t Experienced the Frustrations of Technology?

Who Hasn’t Experienced the Frustrations of Technology?

As we pulled away from the terminal getting ready for takeoff, the plane stopped fifty feet away. There we waited inexplicably for about a half hour before the pilot came on the speaker. He reported that the ground crew had pulled us away from the terminal but forgotten to free the steering … Read more

Six Characteristics of True Environmental Stewardship

Six Characteristics of True Environmental Stewardship

Many North Americans, Latin Americans, and Europeans are justifiably skeptical of the global environmental movement. It shows many of the characteristics, not of a serious scientific movement, but of a political ideology or even a quasi-religious sect. The overwhelming majority of its leaders and foot soldiers espouse a not-so-hidden socialist ideology that … Read more

Y’all Want Some Caviar?

Y’all Want Some Caviar?

American Caviar … Only in America Caviar is arguably one of the finest things to please the palate of food connoisseurs. Harvested from the prehistoric sturgeon, a fish found more commonly in the Caspian and Black Seas, it was once considered to be something coming solely from countries like Iran and Russia. … Read more

The Amazon Synod and the Vatican’s Radical Environmentalism

The Amazon Synod and the Vatican’s Radical Environmentalism

People concerned with the threat of radical environmentalism would be mistaken to assume that the Catholic Church’s upcoming Amazon Synod of Bishops, to be held in Rome in October 2019, is an internal affair dealing with pastoral matters. On the contrary, it will be a laboratory of ecological activism that promises, in … Read more

When 500 Types of Pasta Are Not Good Enough

When 500 Types of Pasta Are Not Good Enough

Paging through the food section of The Wall Street Journal, I was enchanted by an illustrated article about American chefs who are now offering a world of pasta to discerning customers. The adventure takes people beyond spaghetti, lasagna, macaroni and other familiar pasta dishes and introduces readers to the rich variations that … Read more

Homeless by Choice: The New Shift to Rejecting Ownership

Homeless by Choice: The New Shift to Rejecting Ownership

Homeless used to be a term to describe those who had nowhere to build their lives. They were usually victims of misfortune, lacking roots, possessions and relationships. However, a new class of homeless is now emerging. These individuals do not want a place to build their lives. They do not want roots, … Read more

Taking on the Toxic Feminist Revolution

Taking on the Toxic Feminist Revolution

The battle against feminism is better fought by women because the public has been convinced that men are not qualified to speak about issues that affect the fairer sex. Women understand and know how to express feminine problems for a female audience even though these matters invariably affect everyone. Even so, there … Read more

Is the Amazon Synod Going to Lead Us to Eco-Socialism?

Is the Amazon Synod Going to Lead Us to Eco-Socialism?

There have long been lingering suspicions that the Amazon Synod is going to be a progressive festival, especially considering its key call for the “abolition of celibacy” for pseudo-pastoral reasons. However, concrete evidence to document this suspicion was lacking. Now, this evidence is gradually beginning to emerge. The Jesuit’s Georgetown University in … Read more