The Utopian Premises of Ecological Tribalism

The Utopian Premises of Ecological Tribalism

The Ecological Turn of “Postmodernity” When compared to yesterday’s culture a few decades ago, today’s “postmodern” culture has some rather surprising differences. One such difference is its ecologist tendency to rediscover, re-evaluate and propose models that are backward, primitive, wild and tribal. In yesterday’s culture, man was acclaimed as the master of … Read more

Drag Queen ‘Quiet Revolution’ Exposed by Brave Catholics

Drag Queen ‘Quiet Revolution’ Exposed by Brave Catholics

At first glance, Bala-Cynwyd, Pennsylvania hardly looks like a place to host a revolution. It is a suburb of Philadelphia, a quiet and upscale retreat from the stresses of city life. Its Belmont Hills Library is nestled in a park-like setting. Yet, revolutionary forces were very active there on the morning of … Read more

How Socialists Will Usher in a New Hell on Earth

How Socialists Will Usher in a New Hell on Earth

Americans are a generous people ready to lend a hand to those in need. When God blesses us with prosperity, we naturally want to practice acts of charity to help the less fortunate. However, this charitable spirit is now threatened. There are those who hate this charity and desire to destroy the … Read more

Why Do Rich People Now Want Less Screen Time?

Why Do Rich People Now Want Less Screen Time?

There was a time, decades ago when the world was divided between those who were online and offline. Rich people could afford the shiny new gadgets that connected them with everyone. Poor people were left in an analog wasteland on the other side of the digital divide. Social justice warriors of the … Read more

Thrilling Clash Between Catholics and Liberals at Penn State

Tradition, Family Property’s Student Action is legendary for its activism on campus. These brave young men address the burning issues of the day at some of the most liberal universities. They go where few dare go. Thus, I was pleasantly surprised when a TFP Student Action millennial asked me if I would … Read more

The Left Howls as Houston Cancels Drag Queen Shows

The Left Howls as Houston Cancels Drag Queen Shows

Victory over Houston’s “Drag Queen Story Time” is at hand. The series has been canceled for the remainder of the year. The program, which subjects young toddlers to story hours by men dressed as women, took place in Houston’s Freed-Montrose Neighborhood Library. It was supposed to move less than one mile away … Read more

Why You Need to Know What A Family Is Before You Can Help One

Why You Need to Know What A Family Is Before You Can Help One

As the next national elections loom on the horizon, many liberal candidates are calling for urgent measures to help the American family. There is impassioned talk about poverty, wage stagnation, and health care. There are yet more pleas for money and programs for those who suffer from want. There is nothing wrong … Read more

How “Drag Queen” Shows Destroy Children’s Innocence

How “Drag Queen” Shows Destroy Children’s Innocence

In and of itself, the idea of bringing together young children in public libraries to listen to stories told by a gifted storyteller is good. It nurtures the sense of wonder, which is so important in childhood. However, numerous libraries around the country are distorting this idea today. They are bringing together … Read more

The Only Divorce-Free City in the World

The Only Divorce-Free City in the World

The family is one of the institutions most affected by the crisis in our decadent times. Religious and moral sentiments have practically disappeared as if torn to bits. The divorce rate is overwhelming—an estimated 50% of marriages fall apart. Added to this, there are illicit unions, which are common and seemingly without … Read more