Why Chivalry Is the Catholic Solution to Toxic Masculinity

Why Chivalry Is the Catholic Solution to Toxic Masculinity

“Toxic masculinity” is one of those trendy expressions that is intentionally left vague and emotional so that it might wreak havoc on society. Once limited to women’s studies department, the term has broken out of its cage and now seems to be everywhere. In these #MeToo times, everyone can claim to be … Read more

This Is America’s New Face of Brutal Rage and Chaos

This Is America’s New Face of Brutal Rage and Chaos

In the year 49 B.C., Julius Caesar moved his forces into Italy over a small insignificant stream called the Rubicon. In so doing, he violated the law that forbade generals to move troops out of their assigned provinces. Caesar realized the seriousness of his decision by declaring “The die is cast!” The … Read more

Four Things That Should Be in the State of the Union Address

Four Things That Should Be in the State of the Union Address

The Constitution suggests that the President inform Congress about the state of the Union from time to time. Under normal circumstances, the purpose of the speech should be to unify the country. However, in the present climate of polarization, it has served to accentuate divisions. Indeed, the one thing we do not … Read more

Human Composting: The Ultimate Denial of the Soul

Human Composting: The Ultimate Denial of the Soul

From time immemorial, people have buried the dead. Sometimes they even risked their lives to carry out this most basic duty. In times of persecution, for example, Christians put themselves in great danger to recover the bodies of martyrs so that they might receive the holy rites of Christian burial. The Old … Read more

Four Reasons Why 2019 Is the Most Insecure Year Ever

Four Reasons Why 2019 Is the Most Insecure Year Ever

The new Congress, the shutdown and jittery markets have set the nation on the path of uncertainties. We are faced not with simple misfortunes or a predictable economic downturn. This crisis is somehow different since we face the unknown. It is the cause of great anxiety. It is a bit like running … Read more

Why Sterile Nationalism Won’t Save Us From Globalism

Why Sterile Nationalism Won't Save Us From Globalism

Nationalism is one of those vague terms that appears when a social order is not anchored in moral certainties. The term can take on many meanings, some good, others bad because when nothing is certain, a climate of anxiety takes hold that distorts the national debate. This climate is found in today’s … Read more

The Principle of Subsidiarity

The Principle of Subsidiarity

A society with authority and vital flux is one of an immensely rich social life. Every family, social group, profession, region, and State tends to gather together under natural leaderships to address the needs so proper to our social nature. Each unit produces by custom and good sense that which it is … Read more

Can Leftist Lies Discourage Vibrant Pro-life Movement?

Can Leftist Lies Discourage Vibrant Pro-life Movement?

The progressive left hates the pro-life movement with a hatred that knows no bounds. On other issues, the left can brand the right as bigoted, uncaring, or both. Their pro-death stance on the abortion issue pins the lie to their whole empire of pseudo-compassion. The abortion industry is anti-woman, anti-child, and anti-minority. … Read more