This New Thanksgiving Grace in America is Spectacular

This New Thanksgiving Grace in America is Spectacular 1

For many, Thanksgiving is one of the favorite holidays of the year. In a culture which has lost much of its sense of family, it is a time for families to get together. It remains largely unsullied by the commercialization that has infected Christmas, Valentine’s Day, Halloween and even Mothers’ Day. Everything … Read more

The Battle of Empty Minds: Can’t Anyone See Beyond the Hatred?

The Battle of Empty Minds: Can’t Anyone See Beyond the Hatred? 1

The rash of violence leading up to the elections has given way to the spinning of narratives to explain the sad state of the nation. While ignoring all violence from their side, the left has become especially adept at turning every violent incident involving anyone even remotely conservative into an ideological statement … Read more

Caravans’ Advances Have Evoked Two Vastly Differing Visions for America

Caravans’ Advances Have Evoked Two Vastly Differing Visions for America 2

As three human caravans snake their way through Mexico, two different visions of America emerge. The first vision can be represented by several metaphors that reflect a materialistic, mechanical mindset.  Thus, some see America as a giant shareholding company in which immigrants, legal or otherwise, are seen from a purely economic perspective of … Read more

Men of Notre Dame Request Porn Filter: Three Reasons for Concern

Men of Notre Dame Request Porn Filter: Three Reasons for Concern

At first glance, it seems to be a very positive initiative on the part of those at University of Notre Dame. Over one thousand male students, faculty and staff have signed a petition asking that “the University implement a filter to make pornography inaccessible on the Notre Dame Wi-Fi networks.” Finally, some … Read more

Why We Must Resist Islam

Why We Must Resist Islam

Islam and the Suicide of the West: The Origin, Doctrine, and Goals of Islam, Luiz Sérgio Solimeo   Every year, the nation remembers the terrorist attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center on 9/11. This event is carved deeply into the American psyche. Yet in these commemorations, the media give us terribly … Read more

When Political Correctness Endangers the Community

When Political Correctness Endangers the Community

The Kansas City Star recently reported on a minor incident at the Country Club Plaza, a popular upscale shopping area. Someone fired a shot in a public square full of citizens. Police immediately responded and tweeted a warning to people in the area. Based on witness reports, they described the suspect with … Read more

Catholics Brave Weather to Fight “Rainbow” Jesuit’s Errors

Catholics Brave Weather to Fight “Rainbow” Jesuit’s Errors

Just days ago, braving harsh winds and cold rain, members of The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) along with a dozen locals and a Catholic priest, stood at the entrance to the Norbertine Daylesford Abbey in Paoli, Penn., where the notoriously pro-homosexual priest, Fr. James Martin, S.J., gave … Read more