Home Depot Pushes Homosexual Sin to Children

Home Depot promotes homosexuality to children.jpgAccording to news reports from the American Family Association

•  In the 2010 annual homosexual pride festival of Central Pennsylvania, Home Depot had workshops geared towards children

•  An “OK Gay Daddy” hosted The Home Depot workshop for children

•  At the same festival, Home Depot employees marched children down the homosexual parade route

•  The Home Depot mascot joined a homosexual parade in Chicago

To have them stop the promotion of homosexual sin to children!

Again, according to the American Family Association, Home Depot signed on as a major sponsor of the 2010 Southern Maine Homosexual Pride event. But there’s more.

The Home Depot was also a vendor at the 2010 Southern Maine Homosexual Pride event and even held craft workshops for children amid activities where they were exposed to transvestites, cross-dressers, and homosexual activists.

Home Depot has also sponsored and participated in the 2010 Boston Homosexual Pride parade.

It’s time to tell The Home Depot that God-fearing Americans are extremely shocked with this blatant pushing of homosexual sin to children.

For more details on how The Home Depot promotes homosexual sin to children, please go to:



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